i missed some of my favorites
check the devil may cry and inuyasha episodes, shows how cool forged swords can be:
Interestingly no Ios support due to "apple platform limitation" I guess adding support for ios 8 features is apple's responsibility too? i swear for a 19Bill company belonging to facebook, they've got the slowest improvement cycle, if i could I wouldn't use it at all. but in Latin America its ubiquitous, and in my…
and the tesla driver was probably listening to some sir Paul Mcartney... shook his ass in the comfy S class leather seat and set a world record for it class, the p85D is truly a game changer.
I collected Spawn up to number 50, then traded them for 512MB of RAM PC100
I don't think this shit flies with european law, or some other countries, probably USA too.
Really clear, clean & useful
oh ok
wait Warcraft II works as a remake of warcraft 3?
This year will be huge for hybrid and fully electrical cars.
If you need any advice, or just want some sightseeing tips drop me a message, don't you dare leave this country without trying some good nikkei sushi (peruvian fusion), my favorite is probably this one http://tataki.cl
Well as I'm from Santiago Chile, I'd like to add that if you'll be close to any city you won't need to be carrying to many "survival" stuff, trust me we do sell toothpaste and soap in south america.
Thanks Richard, I much appreciate this review of the series, the other one had me mashing my keyboard like an angry gorilla.
I don't oppose to cheesecake on games but seriously
whats funny is that with that much cash the house pays for itself. you just give a downpayment of say 4.000.000 and the rest in 20 years of monthly payments that pay themselves with only the interest of your money THATS how much money he has. he's got so much money that his money makes more money than any of us…
how does it look / play on ps3? I'm delaying my ps4 buy until june 2015