
"The best games are being made with a female audience in mind." Calling bullshit on this right away. The games that have the most female players are usually aimed at men or both genders. Games typically aimed at women are stupid dress up Barbie clones or involve cutesy animals. It's why this sort of thing is an issue

Except that most ps3's don't play ps2 games outside of the psn store....

The law is that a woman without a bra is guilty of indecent exposure in most of the western world. Food for thought.

It's a tournament, chances are everyone competing has perfect IV's. There's no advantage. Again it's not affecting his opponent so what does it matter?

You're assuming the parents were hacked too. A ditto in a dream ball could have easily passed the ball down to the Aegislash. Considering this guy has someone else entirely, level things for him then he's already taking shortcuts there. As far as i'm concerned if it's not a cheat that affects your opponent then what

Can we please stop with the clickbait titles Kotaku? We can't fly jets like this guy? Really? And you'd know because? Yeah he did a few pretty impressive stunts there, the warehouse in particular, but putting that as a title to make it seem like the article is about some amazing superhuman feat so that more people

Except that it said nowhere in the article that it had perfect IV's. Don't get me wrong, the last Pokemon I played was Soul Silver, so i'm obviously not an expert on this stuff, but this seems like a total waste of everyone's time.

Xbox One is unable to meet the same graphic specs as the Ps4 and has been unable to for a while now. This is nothing new.

Is that Farscape?

I don't have an Xbox One or a Ps4, though I hope to be getting the latter at some point, so i'm not sure my opinion really counts for much but I honestly think exclusives are a bad idea in general. Why anyone should be happy or lord it over others that their version of the game comes with more is beyond me. Exclusives

It has no attacks other than the ones that pokemon can learn? Then what's the issue here? Oh no it's in a ball it shouldn't be in. So what? People get so angry over the stupidest things.

Myself and a bunch of friends still refer to them as toons. It's pretty common if you play MMO's

How do all those games invalidate my argument? I never said they were exclusives or that they weren't multiplatform, merely that they were on the Xbox One.(Sorry not going to sink to your childish level on that one.) Yeah so they'll be on last gen too. So what? For an Xbox One user they are still on that console and

Ok I haven't seen this film can someone please explain how a Japanese voiced robot that transforms into a samurai warrior is offensive?

That's hardly insane.... Tbh I find it hard to care about more than 3-4 of those games

Not sure if you actually meant to reply to me as you're basically repeating what I said as far as getting a refund goes.

"And none of the games on the Xbone are actually worthwhile." Well that's utter rubbish right there. There are plenty of games on the Xbox One, (Not Xbone, let's not be petty and childish here), that are worth playing. What you possibly mean is that none of the exclusive games are worth playing, IN YOUR OPINION. Your

Neither did I but alot of others have, and that was the point I was making.

I agreed with everything you said up to the last sentence. Let's be honest mate. Right now, the XboxOne has more games than the Ps4. Yes the Ps4 is technologically more impressive, blah blah blah, but in the long run console gamers could care less about that. There are plenty of games that make the XboxOne and made

Ouch Patricia, shots fired. Seriously though i'm not sure if she writes them first or is given them to write, but she has some of the worst articles on here.