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    Making Spock gay would really be a case of "just because the actor is gay doesn't mean the character is," even more so than Sulu.

    Deadpool is canon pansexual. But since the movie didn't show it, it's kind of questionable how much that counts since people who aren't comic nerds don't know that.

    Sulu was the only main character whose heterosexuality wasn't already established anywhere in Nu Trek. Unwanted tributes to Takei aside, he was the only option that really works.

    Before Quinto came out there were tons of thinly veiled blind items saying he had wanted to come out for a long time but his people were pushing him not to because they were afraid he'd get blamed if Star Trek tanked. I think the rumors were that they were telling him him to wait until after the second movie so he was

    That was my takeaway too. It seemed so obvious that they were trying to head the Cap/Bucky shippers off at the pass. Which made it just seem like Cap trying too hard to prove his heterosexuality.

    My beef with the invisible car was that hey, you've got this awesome invisible car, shouldn't it be used better? The concept was totally underused.

    I'd be shocked if there are any gay writers, I can't imagine any self-respecting gay writers allowing that characterization on air. It feels like they have the characters constantly fighting because they aren't really allowed to show much physical intimacy between the two unless it's played for laughs like it was so

    That's always been one of the biggest weaknesses of the show. Most of the time they don't even seem to like each other, much less love each other. They're pretty much the personification of staying together for the kid.

    Cap and Falcon are my OTP. Seriously, if things had been played the same way but wish female character we'd all be expecting them to get together in the next movie.