Bernie Kosar's Dementia

People from Chicago have otherworldly luck. "According to Jim" got eight seasons, for fuck's sake!

Referring to the Russians as “the Soviets,” repeatedly, is a pretty good indicator that he has no idea what he’s talking about.

The repeated use of the word “Soviet” when referring to Russia is strong circumstantial evidence that this is the case.

Why are they so quick to defend owners over players? Doesn’t seem that complicated to me, it’s really a black-and-white situation.

Please relitagate 2016 until the fucking end of time, please. Every time something bad happens, blame New Yorkers for voting Jill Stein. I’m looking forward to smugly posting “but her emails” when Emperor Mecha-Trump nukes the moon

in the span of 24 hours, he retweeted Sebastian Gorka, Donald Trump, and Jim Rome.

Wait a hot second, here. I thought James Comey is a #resistance hero and that the FBI is going to bust up in the oval office and arrest Trump for doing russia stuff. You mean to tell me that this isn’t the case? From this report it sounds like James Comey is just another craven douchebag who is more concerned with

Allowing the Korean peninsula to get out from under the thumb of American imperialism would be good, stupid.

My best, Ed

This is all so fucking dumb.

while you’re doxxing former Deadspin commenters can you tell me what Iron Mike Gallego’s real name is, i need to ask him what rolex goes best with my porsche

“My favorite part of speech is article.”

Hey everyone, the national pride troop respecter is here!

I Think this is actually Bernie Kosar.

You were doing so well, too.

It’s really hard to get 10 assists for a triple double when no one on your team can hit a fucking wide open shot.

You dont understand, being complicit is ok when Hillary does it.

he’s a lib, dude. apathy towards the oppressed while worshiping the ruling class is their thing.

It’s not, some people just irrationally hate the guy because they can’t comprehend that the Clinton wing of the party is fucking horrible.

People who are good at useful things don’t have problems getting jobs.