RIP Arthur Digby Sellers
RIP Arthur Digby Sellers
As a rather seasoned (pickled?) drunk, a few things:
Ya know, you’re right. She’s shown time and again that’s she’s an extreme shrewd political operative! 12 dimensional chess!
Wow. Cool. I guess at least you’re honest about your apathy to the capitalist hellscape nightmare we live in, so that’s something.
Agreed. Best we accept the fact that the richest assholes in the country will continue to yield power over and exploit everyone else until the sun explodes.
Thanks for the insight Socially Awkward Turtle!
If only there were a mechanism that existed where an institution could collect money from well off members of society? Guess it’s a mystery!!!
Oh no not at all. I long for death. My last wish though is that on your death bed you see what a friendless cock fuck you’ve been your entire life, and that it makes you incredibly sad in the last moment. Anyways, get fucked!
Going to assume you’re a boomer based on your unhinged impenitent rage and 50s TV show reference account name so I’ll take solace in the fact that you’ll be dead before me.
You seem very well balanced!
I’ll never understand why the idea of social welfare gets shit on by people who will benefit from it. Well, I do understand, but it doesn’t make it less disheartening. Why try to make anything better then? Civil Rights? Yeah, fuck that noise. What’s next a computer that’ll fit in your pocket!?
Very cool of you and not at all totally indicative of why this line of Third Way elitist horse shit shows how completely fucking out of touch all you weirdos are. We’re doomed in 2020.
Convinced 3/4 of the people that comment on this website are unemployed Clinton campaign staff and or the only remaining few dozen people that bullish on Hillary Clinton in the year of our lord 2018.
If you guys are too dumb to see what my point is there really is no sense arguing it for another 8 hours. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how all of this turns out!
Yes. I’d say it’s morally imperative to do everything possible not to help the guy who wants to bring about the end times succeed as SoS.
I’m glad you also think people dismissing my whole argument as “childish thought” is a boogieman.
If you’re of the mindset that Trump represents everything vile and evil in the country, then ergo you shouldn’t do a goddamn thing that makes his policy goals easier to achieve. Period. It’s not that hard of a concept to understand. Every Hillary Clinton voter (of which I was one) should be furious.
lol @ all the brain geniuses “well actually-ing” me. Do you really think Hillary Clinton is going to curb whatever homicidal inclinations a dyed-in the wool psychopath like Mike Pompeo is going to have? It just speaks to how out of touch this wing of the establishment is. Just don’t do it! It does no good whatsoever…
Fuck John Kerry as well.