Follow up question: And then what?
Follow up question: And then what?
Again, you have no idea what you’re talking about. There’s nothing simple about it. It’s, in fact, extremely complex in every way imaginable!
Your grasp on the reality of the situation on the ground in Syria is extremely limited.
Psst. Buddy, I regret to inform you Kissinger’s body of work is, uh, bad.
Why do you assume we have the power to stop it? Much like we had the power to democratize Iraq, right?
Sure because that didn’t happen, oh, 4 years ago, right?
So I assume you feel the same way about the war crimes the United States is currently facilitating in Yemen?
I mean, you do realize that its not only Russia but Iran, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey, the US, along with dozens of various rebel factions, Islamist, Kurdish, and otherwise, are all engaged in Proxy wars for and against one another in a dizzying quagmire already. Escalating things is the worst possible scenario,…
What the fuck is wrong with you, man?
Mike Diaper is this tournament’s Loyola. Brilliant in its simplicity. Goddamn my sides!
Please go see a neurologist.
Nah, you’re right. Let’s start World War 3 over a bunch of morons who supposedly were swayed to vote for Trump from retweeted Breitbart articles in broken English.
Nukes can’t come soon enough.
And I’m saying there are degrees to fucking what is offensive, dipshit. Jesus fucking Christ. This. Particular. Incident. In. My. Opinion. Does. Not. Rise. To. Fucking. Accusation.
You have no idea how happy it makes me that I hit a nerve.
Based on your name, I’m assuming you’re either a boomer/gen x upper-middle class liberal, so instead of continuing this enraging thread, I will be empathetic. It’s really not your fault all your opinions are wrong. It’s just the socioeconomic privilege you were raised in. Have a good day, sir!
You literally are doing that to me right now, chief.
Also, I know your reading comprehension skills are vastly superior than mine, but what I actually said was that the whole incident doesn’t rise to being racist, and that part of the accusations of racism was implying that the restaurant in question was doubly offensive because of its inherent whiteness.
You are an unbelievable fucking blowhard, and I should have looked at your hilariously acrimonious and lengthy comment history before engaging at all. My bad. Keep on truckin’ my guy.
I really think the left should pick and choose its battles. This didn’t seem like a hill worth dying over, but here we are. I shouldn’t have said shit and went back to reading and caring about the millions of other real ways in which the human race is completely fucked.