Matt R

Characterizing their relationship as a “feud” misses the mark. Jordan lacks the emotional capacity and complexity to “feud” with anyone, and Conan’s feelings toward Jordan are a heady melange of bafflement, fascination, exasperation, contempt, and affection.

Welcome to: When Reposting Twitter Drama Goes Wrong - AV Club Edition.

Yeah, I’d reckon most pageants in the South and Midwest have racist as hell roots. But I’m not going to blame kids and socially-obligated young adults for participating in something that lost its racist overtones decades ago.

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

Am I missing something? I see no connection other than the origins of the festival or party or whatever that would tie her to KKK leanings. If dumbass Black people wanted to join that bullshit, that’s of course their choice but I don’t see where she was personally connected to the KKK or even racism. I also think it’s

Recognitions are often a terrible person, but in this instance I’m in full agreement with them. “Cow” is a fucking loaded term that is and always has been used to diminish specifically women. You don’t come off well here to be this high on your horse.


That’s...um. That’s what this week’s episode of John Oliver’s show is addressing. I imagine there are also sports writers out there who are currently writing about a baseball game while mentioning (gulp) baseball players, baseballs, and bases.

In England “really not the solutions we are recommending” is a vicious takedown.  It’s devastating.  She’s devastated right now.

who was obviously brianwashed by an abusive mother is met by virtual pitchforks. 

Nope. Not even a little bit correct. Not funny for one single solitary second. But hey, thanks for telling us all about who you really are.

The product is horse shit from what little I’ve sampled. They can’t get out of their own way to make stars, they won’t let the talent be themselves, and they don’t listen to the audience. It took them 6 years and a pandemic shutting the live events down for them to finally turn a guy the fans rejected from good to

Well aware of that.


Meanwhile Sean Connery greets him in Heaven like, “Once again Trebek, I came first! Just like your mother did last night!”

To your first point, there’s more conventional chess training in later episodes. But whatever mental approach to chess strategy one takes, a lot of it’s going to boil down to being able to imagine different possibilities resulting from different moves. I though the mental chess she played on the ceiling (which often,

Melania’s AV Club account spotted.

I don’t know even know if it’s a matter of self-awareness at all? It’s just what the right (or fascism, in particular) does: outwardly co-opt the discourse and practice of the left. That’s what the Nazis did; that’s what the alt-right does by turning the discourse around safe spaces into the interminably unhelpful

Looks fine to me?

This has nothing to do with preventing him from getting attention. This has everything to do with the principles of democracy. By broadcasting the town hall in the same time slot as Biden’s, they were punishing a legitimate candidate for following the rules. That is unethical no matter how NBC tried to pivot it