
You are forgetting all of the people who were hurt, enslaved, or otherwise miserable as a result of Aku’s reign. for the dozens (maybe hundreds) of people who survived and lived through Aku’s domain, that is a small fraction of the overall sum total of people who suffered. 

Counter point... I hope you grabby grabby bean rot in the 7 layers of Dante’s Inferno. Hands off my bean sir... Hands off.

I dont get it... how are youtuber personalities like this popular. I am missing something. All he does is scream, and everyone picks up the news, funneling more views to it until it is a self-sustaining batch of crazy... I am actually convinced he didnt want to win. Have the the “fails” in the clips are him playing

yup. if you can get out in front, I almost always try to balance the seesaw and run to the opposite end but sometimes back in the pack you can get screwed.

i tend to run in circles under the ramps in the middle if i get one. Hard to see me and I am not static so rare someone can snag it, but it does not justify that stupid mode.

I have played a few more than you have, and the only final round I have ever gotten was the king of the hill/grab the crown one (which i won once).

well if you happen to see a black/blue striped bean with the same username as I, stick by me and I will grab the ever-livin-beans out of them for you.

Roll out? is that the one on a spinning drum? It is relatively easy. Just move to the second to last drum and only bounce back and forth between the end and the second to the last one. Generally people are in the middle and move all over but very few move to the edge. It is the one that I have never fallen off and got

I have never beaten Slime Climb and first round SC is the worst. I could likely do the platforming, but with so many other players, getting through cleanly without getting bumped off is a near impossible feat.

Can someone please look into the records and see if Mr. Cawthorn applied for (and received) a small business loan/grant through the Payroll Protection Plan? As the single and sole employee, I would be curious to see how much money he requested (if he did). So far to date, he setup an LLC, spent $20k on one property,

If this is the default, I may be out. I understand that you are trying to stay up with the newest design trends but your entire site now looks like click bait ads at the bottom of every “news” article. I cannot tell what is real and what is not and I am one of the folks that checks multiple times a day and

Game was very beautiful and fun but I tend to fall off open world games quick.

I ran some math for you/Huh. I think the biggest way to justify this thought pattern is to equate the dollar amounts to the time it takes to earn it back. It would take 24 minutes a week for a $100k salary employee to donate $1k dollars. it would take Bezos 40 seconds to do the same thing. 

Lets do some simple math. $500 bucks out of $50k is 0.01 or 1.0%. 1% is not a lot over the course of an entire year. if you earn $50k/year that is $961/week. if you gave away $500 in one week, that would hurt you in the immediate term, but “losing” $500 over a 52 week year is $9.62 per week. That would be much less

you win. that looks amazing. great work.

We were slow to get started but we hit our stride with small house projects. To date, we have:

Came here looking for Psych, and was not disappointed. Great, fun show. re-watching it now thanks to Peacock. 

nice. I beat it and am trying to go through on hard mode. Got back up to chapter 8 (slums with Aerith) but I kinda fell off. Hope to get back on soon but havent had time.

About a year ago, the wife and I were cleaning out the office and found the PSP case in one of the drawers, long since forgotten. We went to see if it still worked and found the back battery case popped open. We immediately pulled it out and took it to Best Buy for recycling.

So the new psych movie is in the free tier? thank you. I have not been able to find that answer anywhere and it isnt in this article... I am stuck waiting till the PS app is available due to the fire stick legal issue.