
I absolutely loved blitzball. My only main issue when I went back to try and play it (and only it) was that you do not make any money for winning matches. Means that you will eventually not be able to pay your players unless you play the full game.

I am still not sure why SquareEnix has never done a proper mini-game

Yes, I was saying they should do the same thing they did with Oggdo, only with Rick the Door Technician.
Technically Oggdo’s can spawn in the wild if you add the one modifier that increases the enemy spawn difficulties.

Calling it now. Next game will have a force challenge room that as you enter, we see “Spawn of Rick” standing among the carcasses of Oggo, a Rancor, and the newest big enemy to face.

I am 50/50 on whether it will be another “joke” fight for a one hit kill, or they truly make him the monster boss that everyone deserves

The whole Potion thing is probably more associated with The Witcher now, so the change might be to avoid that comparison. Having animals imbue powers (spiders, bats, and lions, oh my) might fit that continuity better if they can make it work.

And the people who follow, like, subscribe, and patreon streamers like him are the reason HE exists. If nobody watched or covered this non-sense, then there would not be a reason for him to do it.

Each cop who did not immediately hold the offending off-duty office accountable should be held as an accessory to murder. If the wheelman of a bank robbery, or the other driver in the Ahmad Aubrey case are convicted, then those cops should be held to the same account.

Agreed. Waay better this way. Leave the graphics and pre-rendered backgrounds alone, just make the camera movements smoother and you have a better product.

So the policy that was intitially started under Daddy Bush (enacted under Clinton) was made worse by GWB right before he left office.

If they want to get bi-partisan support, they should focus this on tax fraud. All of these upsold consoles (and other goods) are not collecting taxes on the markups unless the earnings are reported. For someone selling a single console, it isnt worth going after but for the scalpers who snatch up hundreds of consoles

is there any word on this coming out on consoles? I am interested but dont have a gaming PC rig.

one other reason is the failures... I am about to send my ps5 back because I have audio and video glitches rampant when playing a game. Zero issues when using apps or movies.

I played the PS4 disk on my PS5 and the loading times were already next gen. It is insane how quickly you can go from launcher to starting menu to ingame action. Ghost, Spiderman:MM and GOW (download from the PS+ collection) had incredible load times on the PS5. 

“How dare you kiss your girlfriend in front of the children.”

Proceeds to drop 5 F’ Bombs in front of those very same children.

I dont have the skill or time for this, but has someone thought to mod in the controller and screen from Uncharted when they are playing games? It would be cool to put them in.

I am sorry for your loss... That is tragic... This virus is no joke whatsoever and my sister was in and out of the hospital for a month with it due to complications. She isn’t “fit” and it hit her very hard...

The weird thing is, it only affects games. Media streaming all works perfect without a glitch so it is definitely a hardware concern imho.

That is fantastic for you... I love the PS5, everything looks great on my new-ish OLED TV. It is incredibly frustrating to have it occur with such new hardware.

While I 100% disagree with MTG on just about everything, in fact I can’t believe that I just found the first thing I actually do partially agree with her on, is that a healthy human is more adept at fighting off diseases than an unhealthy one. There is a reason why the vaccine rollout made a caveat for people with a

Doesnt matter. Astro’s Playroom (digital), Ghost of Tsushima (PS4 Disk), Control Ultimate (PS5 digital version), God of War (PS+ digital), Rocket League (digital), etc.

it doesnt say it, but hold down circle to skip a cutscene. After you beat the game, you can go back through and do the speed run trials and to make the times, you need to skip cutscenes.

Also there is no chapter select so you need to “fake” one by making a save at the beginning of each level so you can jump to that