It isnt the warming that causes “stale” water, it is the oxidation process.
It isnt the warming that causes “stale” water, it is the oxidation process.
I do not know this “water doctor” that you speak of but if someone calls themself an XXXXXXX Doctor, they are probably full of crap. See examples: Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Dr. Doolittle, etc. etc. etc.
Update: I looked into Mr. Fred (refuse to call him a doctor). His website was made in flash circa 1990's tech, his…
You can. Freedom of information act, you can schedule an appointment and review the data as a resident (or non-resident for that matter) of your public system. Same for the wastewater treatment plant’s effluent data if you are into that sort of thing.
The chlorine is find... but that Fluoride is part of the governments black op mind control program...Truth
As others have said. overreacting a bit. While your tapwater in your area may be trash (it happens, mainly due to lack of funding) this is not a one-size fits all solution. Even spring water can have it’s negatives. Drinking water is regulated and when the system work (again, examples like Flint are a big issue when…
Long-time swimmer, full head of hair, waaaay more chlorine exposure than the maximum residual allowable in drinking water.
thank you for posting this in Alphabetical order. the way they did the first list of tweets, I was getting very turned around looking for movies out of order.
So mad... My PS4 has been randomly having the CE-034848-0 error code but Apex legends wasnt one of them... until the season 3 download... now i cannot even login to the game... Tried re-downloading (to both internal and external drives), resetting, everything short of a full initialization reboot and cannot get it to…
I hope this also fixes the CE-034878-0 error that I have been having. since last month, many of my games just refuse to start up and none of the online help tips work. I am working through a backlog of downloaded games taht still work before I re-initialize the system (step 5 in the process if nothing else works)...…
Sooo yeah... I had no issues playing this game before the update, but since it downloaded i am now getting the dreaded CE-34878-0 error code and it forces it closed to return to the homescreen... Does anyone know an actual fix to this? the forums say to reinsert the original hard drive (it is in there, with PT on it)…
Not sure how I feel about the new map yet but I am sure it will be fine when we get used to it. I expect the Train to become the new Skulltown hot drop. Not sure about the new hero yet, as I havent seen his kit, but it should be fun. Just leave my Longbow power alone and we wont have words.
I am still really excited about this game, however I dont know how they will handle power creep. I sunk upwards of 80 hours into the game on some of my playthroughs of the original, by the end I was always overpowered heading into the crater. If all I have is Midgar, and the random encounters spawn indefinitely, I…
My insurance company has a program that has 9,000 gyms across the the country that you can go to for free and it is just over $25/month. My wife and I both use it. The weird thing... My local YMCA (home) accepts it and gave me a “guest pass” card but the other area YMCA’s (near work) wont accept the program... but…
The extended gameplay trailer has done a lot to make me feel better about this game, HOWEVER it looks extremely rough...In addition to the faces, the main issues I see are how Hulk seems to float and move when he switches to a ground pound (he should be able to leap these gaps but he shouldnt be able to adjust his…
awesome photo!!!! i will give it a shot and see what i can get. If it fails, oh well.
I love this. I noticed it once after thanking someone, i heard you’re welcome and i thought I was hearing things... love the ping system... hate people who dont use it
Final Fantasy 7 for PS4 is not listed as one of the deals when you click the link. maybe it was removed from the offering.
Final Fantasy 7 for PS4 is not listed as one of the deals when you click the link. maybe it was removed from the…
Agreed, I do not understand the pains of the giants. For what it is worth, my legs are a bit longer in proportion to my torso (not freakishly out of whack, but noticeable) but it still doesnt make that much of a difference.
Sadly the max it will go up to is 10s. For a phone camera that isn’t too bad but I will be limited by the options I have.
hahahaha. I have never been sooo torn... Not a fan of hackers (both in game and for personally data).... but if hackers gonna hack, hackers hacking hackers for trying to hack... I am ok with this...