Shoretrooper is being released in SWGOH app this month. Timely release for the app with this announcement
Shoretrooper is being released in SWGOH app this month. Timely release for the app with this announcement
Pokemon Go-nuts....
Fair point, although my opinion on them is not going to change. I am not a fan of taking medicine of anykind. I just dont think my body needs it. It can fend for itself.
Yes I understand, but in keeping with your analogy, it would be the equivalent of boxing against your 12 year old nephew once and then jumping into the ring with Ali.
I would love to make the comment here that she is fighting to keep Roger Ailes nose from being clean in this case.
This is exactly my sentiments on all points. I prefer to let my own immune system get a workout and keep me healthy than supplement it with optional aids. Never get sick, but also do not work in a high risk environment.
I am definitely not part of the Anti-Vaxxer movement, however I have not gotten a flu shot in the past 10-15 years, and I have not gotten the flu (or any sickness for that matter) in almost as long. I have only taken 2 legitimate sick days in the past 10 years, not including 2 days off for Lasik surgery.
My initial thoughts.
To summerize: If you think planes are scary, let me frighten you every time you get behind the wheel to take your mind off of turbulence.
I cannot remember what it was called, but my buddy was mixing firefly tea with leinenkuegals at a party we had once. It was a bit much, but got you drunk really fast
I am sorry, but A.) soccer is not a contact sport by design, and B.) if your school cannot teach your young men to distinguish between on field athletic competition and off the field moral values, then clearly you are doing something wrong.
This is why i still pickup and play this game a few matches a week. Love everything about it
Your logic is undeniable. Cheers to you.
Oooorrrr... Just drink your coffee, last fill of the day is just water from the cooler, leave to air dry and repeat the next day...
what do I need to do to get into this event?
I really tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. The fact that she ignored the writers makes me mad though. Martha Stewart was absolutely hilarious and a great sport. Her ending about Bierber needing an older woman with business accumen (so call me) was soo perfect.
I am mostly certain that it was a big joke for all the comedians to get to literally destroy her and have no negative repercussions because she signed the release. The entire time, my wife kept asking the same question and this is the only thing I can come up with.
I am not looking for early retirement, more just looking for current financial flexibility. I like my job (mostly) and cannot imagine not doing it every day for quite a while. I am 31 and well on my way towards retirement, however my target isn’t necessarily the same as others.
I want to put away 21 x what I plan to…
The only “problem” that people have is the fact that the Government gets a tax-free loan of your hard earned money.
Last year, we owed $46, which is about as close as you can get to zeroing out when factoring in OT and other factors. My wife was very unhappy that we didnt get a big refund like previous years, as she planned to spend that refund on some purchases.