
Agreed on all accounts. I am generally polite when they call (which is more often now than it was earlier in my career). When they discuss the position, often times it is hard for them to match what I make here (engineer as well). Grass has never been green enough for me to leave my current firm, and I have nearly

Everything is negotiable. Trick is you may need to walk away if you are not willing to take less. Doesnt always work in your favor, but most salary discussions have something in their back pocket because they assume some form of negotiations will occur. If you dont negotiate, the back pocket incentives stay in the

A good manager should not disclose what Ben makes, as that is none of anyone’s business unless you are Ben. Generally, knowing what your peers make is a good tool, but you should never say Ben makes X so i should make X+ because you don’t actually know (in most cases) why Ben makes what he makes. Same is true if the

Just did this, but not to that extent. Up for promotion and waited for the director to throw out a number. He did (10% which isnt horrible) but I pushed back and asked for a number, not percentage. Backed it up with why it should be higher than that number and gave him time to work out the logistics (asked for the

Aside from college loans support and help with furnishings (mostly handmedowns) for my first appartment, I have been completely self sufficient since i graduated from college 9 years ago. Helps that I moved away from home for a great job. I was on the family cell phone plan trhough the end of my 2 year contract, but

Wife used to be a host at a fine dining restaurant, and I used to delivery food in college so I can attest to being a good tipper. Gets me in trouble with work when I expense meals, because I start at 20% and go up from there.

Rubiks cube on my desk. If I need to think, I mindlessly mix it while on the phone or while reading, then when I need a break or a distraction I solve it. Helps break your funk, and helps me remember every problem can be solved in a series of steps.

My response 9ish years ago:

Went late as we were not planning on shopping, but picked up Bloodbourne and Wolfenstein for the PS4 for $25 and $15 respectively. Wasnt going to but the wife said yes, as she has been eyeing up BB for a while. Told her it was very difficult, she know believes me.

THis looks horrible, however my wife and I both really enjoy the version we make.

usually digital download code to prevent resale. At least, that is how The Last Of Us digital code was included when I bought my GTA 5 bundle (actual disc for GTA5).

Wrong sir... Just wrong.

Civil engineer here. This isn’t new, just never been durable enough for widespread use. Salt and grit clog the pores quickly, limiting the effectiveness and winter freezing is hell on this stuff.

It is a shame that they cannot just allow you to enter 1 alternate name, tied to the same account. That would minimize greifing, and allow you to play with friends, or strangers under different handles without much effort.

Awww... dont cry... your so ugly when you cry....

Not to perpetuate the rumor/craziness, but I very much remember hearing 10+ years ago that the outline for episodes 7-9 were done back when the prequels were greenlit. General plot (not too spoilery for this article) was:

Second one kindof has a nightwing look to it. That is a good thing! But i agree, the movie choice was just fine in my book.

wow.. that PS4 bundle is by far the most attractive one I have seen since last years GTA5/Last of us Bundle.

wow.. that PS4 bundle is by far the most attractive one I have seen since last years GTA5/Last of us Bundle.

Tell me about it. The first USB flash drive I bought came with 16MB for... $15 dollars. It was amazing.

Tell me about it. The first USB flash drive I bought came with 16MB for... $15 dollars. It was amazing.

Calling it. Her staff is concealing a light saber.