
I’ll never understand men who dislike female leadership. Some of the women I’ve worked under have been the best managers I’ve ever had.

get off the internet grandpa

pretty easy to be accurate when you keep moving the target, amirite? lol

Long before I met her, my wife had a baby after being assaulted. She chose to have the baby and give him up for adoption. This was her choice and it followed her system of belief. If others hold to those values, they can do the same without such legislation.

ctrl+shift+down arrow

Yes. And I already expect it. I make it very clear with every new manager. I won’t work outside of work, thats my time and I’m a better employee for it. Of course, they are always welcome to call for true emergencies.

My wife had her placenta dried, ground, put into pills. She and my sister both did this and insist it helped with postpartum depression. So it either works, or its a great placebo.

Turns out drilling through a hundreds of years old tree was stupid.

Well that’s easy. You simply find reasons to pass over competent women for promotions and promote men for just doing their job. Then they aren’t technically “peers” and the difference in rate of pay doesn’t alarm anyone. I’ve seen it.

Time for one restroom. Two rows of stalls, one for toilets, one for urinals. Everybody goes in, picks their stall, end of story.

See the bounce? The stock stays still, i bet its a simple slide fire stock. A technicality to some people but a big difference to the ATF.

Then your previous point has been disregarded until further evidence is submitted!

I got the joke. and i giggled.

which notably, are horrifically inaccurate if you move even a little.

Same sort of asshole who likely uses the buzzword “disrupt” a lot.
What are you disrupting? there are always consequences...

Oh, i’m not surprised these neckbeards think this is the ultimate insult. They’re like little misogynist, nationalist, middle schoolers.

I knew i smelled tomato sauce. You’re doing the lords work good sir.

I felt bad for you until i read your other trash comments.

this is simultaneously hilarious and horrifying.

The internet sucks because of people who say crap like this.