
Everything old is new again. Honda always moves at a glacial pace.

What is a non-hybrid Honda Insight? Has he done an engine swap?

I think the Pinto was the Vega's closer competitor, but Ford dare not bring back that name. Them's damaged goods.

You only track the shots you want on the G6. When you measure a shot, you're given the option to reset to zero, save a shot individually, or add the shot to an average for a club.

What about the dog tracker collar wrapped around the whole shebang? Come to think of it, though — ol' Yeller dashing through the woods is probably way harder on that collar than a drop at whatever the terminal velocity of that little rig might've been.

Now playing

Tacoma Narrows Bridge. The sway eventually caused it's collapse.

I'll take the Gay Deceiver from Number of the Beast, activate its continua device and access one of the potential 10,314,424,798,490,535,546,171,949,056 ( that's (6^6)^6) other universes out there. I'm sure most of them will still be there.

Well sir, you are certainly not misnamed.

This actually happened:

1st-5th: It's so exciting living in the future! It's... it's... got swoopy lines and dramatic LED lighting and electric motors moving things around — including cars!

I'll concede the Le Mans history because I don't follow racing at all, and I just did a quick wiki search to see what year Ford swept the podium — I did get that part correct, I think, excepting that it was the GT40's 3rd time out.

Ladies and Gentlemen, remember all of the automotive excellence that has been bestowed upon us in the past when individuals or corporations had a spat with Ferrari?

It started playing in my head when I looked at these photos...


#9 hits especially close to home, as my wife did not get the job offer she expected (seriously? three goddamned interviews only to be told "no"? cocksuckers...), and our Ody is close to needing that timing belt changed. Honda, why u no use chain?

Why thank you, sir — I'll consider it an honorable mention if nothing else.

Now playing

Sorry, chum. You weren't setting a very good example for the rest of us. We can forgive your power trips and unwavering small-mindedness when it comes to rigid application of the law if you, yourself, rigidly ahere to it.

//It's not a good day that begins with plopping down to an angry email from the wife — just needed to vent the pentup somewhere.

Fuck Tony Gwynn