HAHAH What in the world are you talking about? It’s not really stalking, when you can just click on your name and read all your posts. Also, you’re pretty clearly a douche and deserve to be called out.
HAHAH What in the world are you talking about? It’s not really stalking, when you can just click on your name and read all your posts. Also, you’re pretty clearly a douche and deserve to be called out.
Oh okay then. Well put jackass.
So at 10:30am, you’re already pissed that Gawker wasn’t running 9/11 stories? This is apparently how you honor the victims. If you want to read some 9/11 write ups, there have been 14 years of them, all over the internet. Strange that you get mad at one site and comment at 10:30 on an article from yesterday that they…
I feel bad for you because you think one person can apparently be two people. One you like, and one you don’t like. I’m sorry the hair on your arms were tricked into standing up patriotically.
You’re mad because we’re calling a war criminal a war criminal, and not excusing his actions because he threw a baseball once? Too bad that you’re so sad. You’re upset about calling a President names, that you equate it with disrespecting troops by spitting at them. But I would consider it a bit more disrespectful to…
Sources? At this point, it’s called history. Before the smoke cleared, the Bush administration was angling on how to blame an al-qaeda sponsored terrorist attach on Iraq. If you believe former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill, they wanted to hit Iraq from day one of the administration, and all they needed was an…
Also, it’s been pretty clear that I’ve owned you. You’re the one with the twisted panties, whining that I don’t leave you alone, yet you won’t stop responding to me. You tried ignoring me for a little bit, but you couldn’t. You threatened me with a banning, but you just can’t seem to pull the trigger. So interesting…
Nice word salad! You own me? Does repeating yourself over and over again make it seem more true. Sure you own me. Nice job. Are you fucking twelve? I mean, really, you’re actually a grown man? Are you trying to Patrick Bateman yourself up a little? Turn on some Huey Lewis and tell people you own them. Lame (but also…
Exactly cause you’re a racist. And just like a racist, you ignore the inconvenient, so you’ll continue on with your bullshit. Sad life man.
I call you a liar, cause you’re clearly a liar. You call me a slave and a monkey because you are a racist.
And you are such a fucking idiot. Did slavery end 150 years ago? YES, ABSOLUTELY. Did that solve all the problems, you fucking moron? NO. Did slaves wind up working for the very slavers who owned them previously? YES. Why? Because the country was racist and no one would sell them land, and there was nowhere else to…
HAHAHAHAHA What a liar you are. What about your poor immigrant Russian family, eh? They came over in the 1920’s and didn’t have a pot to piss in. It was such a sad tale. They made sure your family went to good schools, and blah blah, it was really boring. Such a dirty liar. Must make your wife proud.
HAHAHA, you were so offended. Sure. Care to point out where I was wrong? You can’t because it’s based in fact
Monkey? Huh. Interesting.
Huh, interesting that you called me a mongoloid. Firstly, because it’s a derogatory and racist term, which isn’t surprising coming from a racist like yourself. Secondly, it’s a racist and derogatory term because it compares people from Asia with those that have Down’s syndrome, and you looooovvvvveeee Asian people,…
HAHAHAHAHA! Own me like a slave? I bet you masturbated furiously to completion after you came up with that one. You’re the one spending entire days debating race with strangers on the internet, using the same old tired articles like they mean anything, stirring shit up, and running away. Such a fool, but really it’s…
“Some stars,” or more accurately, two. So you found two other racist friends on here. Good for you! I guess it’s been hard getting the gang together since they closed all those reddit forums.
How many times have you posted this article? Is your life that shallow and devoid of meaning and purpose? Have you thought about trying to get a date or taking up a hobby? Maybe you could take up making borscht or something else that would connect you to your heritage, besides the racism.
Look at how many people care about this article you keep quoting for weeks on end. No one.
HHAHAHAHAHAH Look at you again! With your “facts!”