
Literally saw one of these in front of me on the freeway (I live in California) last week and laughed my ass off at it because I wondered “who would do that?” Didn’t know it was a factory appearance package. Somehow, that makes it just a little less ridiculous, since now I know the buyer didn’t laboriously black out

Don’t start that shit again.

Human ingenuity hasn’t stopped dead, it’s just in a losing battle with risk-averse studio executives.

Why are they roasting themselves? It does not make sense.

I know this is a futile old-man-yells-at-cloud sentiment, but:

That’s not what happens. There is still the Magnussen Moss Warranty Act. They can void the warranty on the 12V battery that was killed, maybe other electronic components, but it has to be proven to be related to that inverter use. A suspension component not working isn’t related.

I think they want people to buy this instead

Here’s your star, you bastard.

If you can see your headlights shine on the ground, they should be on. You’d think their shouldn’t even need to be a law for this.

All of this. Especially the part about headlights not getting turned on when the wipers are going! I think it’s state-by-state, because in my area, the drivers from the next state over (CT) almost never put their lights on in the rain, while the resident drivers (NY) are probably 80-90% on and it’s been the law here

“One feature I would love to see on intermittent wipers is a “tap tempo” feature like many guitar delay and modulation pedals now have. It would use a momentary switch - tap it once and release, tap it again and release and the time between those two taps would be the wiper interval.”

Tesla’s biggest asset has, for a while, been hype. That’s why a single fatal accident is even mentioned in an article like this. How many fatal accidents did it take until people noticed Toyotas were accelerating uncontrollably? But since Tesla seemingly leads the industry in semi-autonomous driving and has an

Also found: A screencap from a video of the driver leaving the scene.

Unless the owner of this car obtained a license plate or had access to surveillance video good enough to verify a license plate for the suspect vehicle, they are kinda SOL. You may be able to eventually identify what type of car this was, but unless you can prove it was a specific vehicle (specific as in VIN #

This is the most first world problem I have seen in AT LEAST an hour.

The Model X comes with eight friggin’ cameras and they didn’t capture anything?

I kinda just wanna go shopping for marble countertops.

Last time I checked, NOBODY helped pay for my car. Sheesh, suck it up GM or make electrics affordable.

“My fantastic fantasy prototype car that we aren’t even building yet is faster than your car that’s been on the market for 5 years!” Congratulations Porsche. You’re only a couple year away from beating a car Tesla was selling in 2012.

At the dealerships? I wonder if there is a risk of overcharging.