
marquee players in every sport are going to get more favorable calls than upstarts (pretty sure this site covers the NBA too, right?), and everybody (myself included) complains about it unless it’s in favor of the team you root for. that said - did people complaining about the refs watch the game? the Jaguars talked

i feel like this article is just another brick in the wall of all-too-common opinion posts that criticize a piece of socio-political culture that should be welcome among progressives and supporters of inclusivity, but instead works to tear it down because it does not address everything for everyone.

In today’s least surprising news, there are lots of white guys posturing to make sure everyone knows how preciously principled they are. Luckily the women seem to get it. Also Tom and Barry.

never a foul, that’s just good physical play.

“Has Josh Hamilton gotten past his drug/alcohol abuse?”