
New year. Same old Hamno. Your articles always make me feel better about myself.

“Even when you can find a qualified child to take over for a parent, there is the issue of justice. Handing off control of important things to people solely because they are related to someone is unjust.”

As one of the very few Las Vegan-born and bred individuals currently residing in La-V, this is our team. What I mean by that is they have done everything the correct way and in such a professional manner I’m glad the team is born and bred and not a taxpayer-funded transplant. Mr. Foley paid the money, negotiated a

Here are some other gender-neutral pronouns that people might request you use:

No. Just, no.

More likely, Doug Jones beating Roy Moore has made it unnecessary to take the high road on Franken so they want a redo on doing what’s actually right.

If I recall correctly, the primary portions of the ACA had already passed the filibuster. Brown’s election meant the House couldn’t change the bill without it going through the filibuster in the Senate again. So instead of amending it and going to conference, the House passed the Senate version, and then some

If I’m an American who illegally enters or overstays my visa in a foreign country, what sort of luxury accomodation should I expect receive when I commit robbery or other crimes there?

Well, a lot of the way taxes are distributed to things like the Clark County School District are totally fucked. The ongoing saga on how the pot tax money is going to be distributed is key. Like 90% of the pot tax money is generated in Clark Co., but it gets put into a “general education fund” and then we get much

While some folks may disagree with how to fund it, I think you will find close to zero Las Vegans who think moving the team out to Summerlin is a bad idea.

I don’t know how many times it needs to be said.. but here’s one more try. The LVCVA is made up of about half elected officials and half executives of hotel/casino companies operating in Nevada. The only “public” money they have access to comes exclusively from hotel room taxes and gaming fees, which were created to

Vegas resident here. Having the team play at Cashman Field, I believe, drives down attendance. The area the current stadium is in is...to put it kindly...not a good neighborhood. It’s at the far, far north end of Las Vegas Blvd, on the other side of the freeway, in a high-crime area of the city and after dark it

Literally a false equivalence. Something you guys love to bitch about so much.

“Would you trade your right to vote for guaranteed lifetime housing, food, education, and healthcare?”

“And while there is no real plan to pay for it yet...”

“In reality, history has repeatedly shown that the simplest way to fight poverty is by taxing the rich and giving the poor money.”

So we have gotten all the way to “agree with the progressive, far-left agenda 100% or you are a white supremacist” point? I mean, I knew it would happen, but that was faster than I thought!

Yep. These letters from death row certainly are interesting reads...that being said each one should start with a little story about the lives of the individuals these sacks of shit ended.

Someday, one of these guys writing to Hamilton is going to take an iota of responsibility for his actions. That, in turn, will allow me to feel some empathy for them. Until then, I don’t want to hear how the drugs you took caused organic changes to your brain or how the prison industrial complex is taking advantage of

Fuck HamNo for giving this guy a platform.