
Now I get it. If the killer uses a gun you can talk about policy change, but if he’s an immigrant/Muslim, you’re “politicizing the tragedy”.

The Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution might have something to say about that plan.


Did you complain about when it happened? Did this writer? If not, then don’t complain about this. I agree with you that prior bad acts don’t condone current bad acts but don’t act like this is something new that has never happened before and feign outrage. If you or the writer complained about the example I provided,

Yup. Stuff like this never happened before Trump.

“But here’s one thing I know: if you have to win a campaign by dividing people, you’re not going to be able to govern them. You won’t be able to unite them later if that’s how you start.”

“It’s simple. Rights are wonderful, but they are not without unspoken responsibilities.

No, it was originally propped up by an unconstitutional action by Obama (only Congress can appropriate funds for spending which it did not but why should a professor of Constitutional Law care about a little thing like that when it keeps him from doing what he wants) to keep it from failing sooner. Trump’s executive

It’s almost like they were tying to prove my point.

Again, it is not for a lack of trying. Mayor Oscar Goodman and his successor, Mayor Caroline Goodman, have made it their mission to make all of downtown better. Zappos has jumped in big time to the same end. Despite all of that, there has been little, if any, improvement despite the millions and millions spent to do

Well, the Nationals AAA team, currently located in Syracuse, is going to need a place to play. Basically, there are 32 AAA cities and when one moves they simply displace the team currently there and that team either moves to the vacated city or bumps someone from their city. It’s like a big game of musical chairs.

And not for a lack of trying. Thank you Mayors Goodman and Zappos.


I was with you until this statement: “Minor league teams don’t make a ton of money, and moving the team away from downtown is maybe the worst possible thing to do for attendance.”

USSR, no wait, Cuba, no wait, Venezuela, no wait...um, well, you know nobody has ever really tried “pure” communism or “pure” socialism so if we just went ever further than those countries, it would totally work.

I can think of a bunch of Ham No articles about supposedly liberal companies or institutions that oppose the unionization of their employees, so I would venture to say that there may not be as big a difference as you think. See also: wind-power project on Cape Cod. http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=97849&page=1

Maybe. But if I wanted to set up my own e-mail system, I sure would feel a whole lot better about it if the director of the FBI just said that unless you intend to harm the United States, no prosecutor would bring a criminal charge against you then if he had recommended she be charged.

1) So then you have no greater criticism of the Trumps than you did of Clinton for the same actions?

So, Democrat uses private e-mail = fine for a secretary of state (only the 4th person in line to assume the presidency) and most qualified presidential candidate ever, nothing to see here, this is ridiculous, “but her e-mails.”

That’s being generous. It’s really closer to an argument only a 5-year old would make.