
And the other side of it is we are going to give everyone free healthcare, free college, a minimum basic income, affordable housing, expand Social Security, give everyone more paid leave time and materity/paternity leave for 6 months at full pay, and swich to clean, renewable energy and we are going to pay for it by

I hate to break it to you but appearing for a deposition involves neither having to “appear in court” or being “on the stand.”

So, basically, we become the United State of Mexico under your theory?

A negligence claim literally requires a duty. The elements of negligence are: (1) duty; (2) breach; (3) causation; and (4) damages. In the example you give, the “duty” owed is to drive a car in the same manner as a reasonably prudent person. Even in a negligence case that directly resulted in harm to you, if you

How did Mike McCarthy get off the Fire this Asshole! list? I literally had to send my kids out of the room on Sunday as he started calling timeouts at the end of the half so I could swear at him and tell him how all that was going to happen was a Seattle score. How has he figured out this never works? If Seattle is

So, basically, “tax the rich.”

Wake me when you explain how you are going to pay for it. This isn’t a bill, it’s a half-formed wish list. You can’t just make up a benefit without some sort of burden. Until you know what the burden is, you can’t possibly judge whether or not this is a good idea or is even feasible. It’s easy to say “medicare for

Actually, California did ask. Turns out their legislature (which we all know is made up of almost exclusively Republicans) determined it would cost $400 billion a year. Of course, that’s not a big deal, just raise taxes. Which is fine, unless, of course, it turns out $400 billion is double the entire current state

Because when all you have is a hammer...

Have you looked the California bill for universal coverage? It is estimated it will cost California $400 billion a year, which is double the current state budget. Even if one assumed that every dollar employers spent on employee health insurance was simply given to the state, California would still have a $200

“Dodge.” I don’t think that means what you think it means.

If God didn’t bother to start with Reverend Jesse Jackson or Reverend Al Sharpton, why would he start with a lawyer?

What are you talking about? Of course, the President can do anything he/she wants as long as it doesn’t violate the Constitution. What prevents the President from doing anything he/she wants is that the Constitution prohibits it by giving certain responsibilities to each of the three branches of government and the

First, regardless of whether or not Kennedy retires, the Supreme Court ruling in the fall will not make “it permanent” since the Executive Order being evaluated is limited to 90 days. Now, after the time the current executive order runs out, another could be issued attempting to make it “permanent” but that would

Don’t use the term “marriage.” The government issues a civil union license to every couple, gay or straight. Then, the government is not sanctioning a “marriage” so religious people cannot complain that you are “marrying” someone other than man and a women and there is no religious tradition to a “civil union” it is

That you didn’t immediately condemn the verdict and jury as racists and tried to interject any sense of reason into the discussion. You must be new here or you would know that neither of those are allowed and automatically make you racist (which are allowed as the basis of any and all assumptions). Just be glad this

But I was responding to a particular post on a particular website written by a particular author, not the entire internet.

So Trump tweets out after London about stopping terrorist and its a crass move to try and politicize a tragic event. A bunch of Republicans are shot at simply because they are Republicans and it immediately becomes fodder for politicizing the issue of gun restrictions. And, yet, not one single complaint that this

Sure and that extra $200 billion a year is just going to fall out of the sky and pay for universal coverage. Or, more likely, that company is just going to be told to pay, in taxes, that amount they used to pay for their employees’ health coverage (or more) and they will see no actual benefit.

The easiest way to tell the teacher isn’t white is the fact that all of the articles go to great length to avoid identifying the teacher and/or the teacher’s race. If it was a white male, you can be sure it would be plastered all over the story. As it appears to be a non-white female, well, how is the sex and race