
Because they tax it at the highest rate and not at the same rate as your regular pay check. When you file your tax return, you will get back whatever percentage was taken out that is over the amount you actually owe. So, yes, you only got 58% of immediately but you are not going to end up paying 42% as taxes.

Let me guess. All these workers should join a union.

I thought Craig James went to SMU

Whatever. Everyone knows the best Sherlock is Jonny Lee Miller.

I am sure that Flynn and Kislyak were just chatting about their families and grandchildren. Unfortunately, they couldn’t get together on Flynn’s plane so they had to do it over the telephone. Nothing to see here, right?

“And since Amazon is confident enough of its future to announce such a large investment (and politically aware enough to use this announcement as a not-so-subtle tool to get on Donald Trump’s good side), the company is now committed to creating the jobs whether they are unionized or not. They cannot very well reverse

You don’t get to ram a law down the throats of the opposition and then complain when they won’t fix your screw-ups. Especially, when you reject out of hand any suggestions the opposition made to the law before it was ever passed. Based on your reasoning, it only passed in the first place by Democrats not doing their

And how many of the Senate majority Republican ideas have the minority Democrats not allowed to come up for a vote or were “vetoed” by the White House before they were ever passed?

There weren’t even the votes for single payer when they passed the ACA among Democrats without even considering that no Republican was going to vote for it.

How exactly did I “move the goalposts”? My comment was directed to the idea that the graph shows income inequality has continued to grow and expand under Obama yet the post only lays the blame at Reagan’s feet. In response, I got called an idiot. How was I being “intransigent” and how could I move the “goalposts”

Why would you rewrite a law to appease a group of people who did not vote for it and whose votes you didn’t need? It was “rewritten” to appease enough Democrats to get it by a filibuster and passed into law. I mean, really? The problems with Obamacare exists because of Republicans? I will grant you that

That he felt the need to call a name after he made his two points says, to me, that everything that came before it was a weak response and he’d better shut this down before he has to further defend his point. Otherwise, what is the point of calling someone an “idiot” as it is clearly not designed to foster further

So, I can call people names and that isn’t designed to dismiss everything that someone said but commenting on the fact that someone is using name calling to dismiss everything that was said is lacking as a response? 

Right, cause Hillary Clinton only raised a billion dollars for her presidential campaign on the backs of small donors giving $50 at a time. And sat on the board of Wal-Mart and gave speeches at Goldman Sachs but is not, in any way, tied to corporate interests.

Thanks, that’s probably good advice.

Call me all the names you want, I don’t care. My point was that when you resort to that it shows that you lack a cogent argument for your side and are doing nothing but trying to shut down the conversation so you don’t have to continue defending a position that is, at best, extremely weak. If you have the facts,

Perhaps “free reign” would be going to far, I am not sure any President has ever had “free reign” to do whatever they wanted given the filibuster rule and the likelihood of everyone in your party agreeing with whatever the President wanted is non-existent but, despite those limitations, he got the ACA passed. He

You know what, I probably deserve that seeing as my comments in the past have probably been disrespectful to you. We, clearly, have different views on the world and the only thing we probably would agree on is that the other one is wrong. But, maybe, we can agree that the disparity has only increased over time

That is some revisionist history you have going on there seeing as how they had to convince Democrats to sign on to the bill that was passed in Senate (Cornhusker kickback mean anything to you) and then made the ACA law using reconciliation so it didn’t have to go through the Senate again and not a single Republican

No, I am not. However, if we are going to parcel out blame, it sure didn’t get any better under Obama and, in fact, got worse, but somehow that is all Reagan’s fault. I get the Ham No is going to blame Republicans at every turn and his answer for everything is simply take from those who have and give to those who