
If only you could have been in the voting booth with me on Nov. 8 and have seen with your own eyes that I didn’t vote for Trump.

Funny he had enough votes before that to pass the ACA and stimulus. Surely, some of those would have also voted for whatever he wanted to do on income inequality.

Sure when Obama came into office and had a filibuster proof Senate and House majority that really prevented him from doing anything. But, please keep calling people names, that really adds to your argument.

No comment that in about 2008 the graph goes, basically, straight up? It looks like the inequality went down under the Bush administration and then right back up and, likely, to its highest level under Obama. No article about that, huh?

Everyone who is responding positively to this story but is also against the death penalty (which is basically what the husband got and deservedly so) raise their hand.

You mean like the last 8 years: “I disagree with President Obama because....”

I have commented in the past in disagreement with HamNo’s ideas but this is, literally, the stupidest fucking idea I have ever heard anyone actually willing to express out loud.

Of course, we all remember the speech where Trump warned Assad about the “red line” he better not cross by using chemical weapons. And, of course, Trump’s response to Assad’s use of chemical weapons by allowing Russia (funny how it was ok to trust them at the time) to ensure all the remaining chemical weapons were

Other than being anti-union and pro-charter schools, you just described Hillary Clinton.

Sure, if you were initially upset that the cop was not white and, thus, could not blame the shooting on racism than, of course, he was only charged for the shooting because of racism. This is, literally, a position that can never fail somehow assert racism is somehow involved in every single police shooting.

Ah, the Hillary Clinton defense. “The sole relief I am asking for is to be released from military prison after serving six years of confinement as a person who did not intend to harm the interests of the United States or harm any service members.”

So, I have to vote against my own personal interests, i.e., a little more medical insurance or a little bit bigger paycheck which my family needs, in order to either not be racist or not be complicit in racism? I guess I might as well just hand my vote over to Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson. Does this mean in any

But it is that environment that allows Morroco to have the money to give to charity and for which you are handcuffed later from trying to change because you accepted their money. So, basically, the ends justify the means. And, if the situation were that the Trump Foundation took a $25 million dollar donation from

But will this increase the cost of housing in Chicago and further increase the gap between the rich and the poor? And can we take all of the Cubs’ World Series rings and sell them or do we just tax their value with a “winner’s tax” of 150%. In other words, stick to writing what you know about. Oh wait, on second

Hey, if Rizzo can hit a HR batting right-handed, anything can happen.

So, I’m confused. Is it November 6, 2016 or November 16, 2016?

I don’t think “prosecuted” means what you think it means. He was clearly “prosecuted”, however, he was not convicted. Perhaps, “persecuted” is what you meant but I am guessing he is going to get a pretty bad rap (particularly on sites like this one) and will be “persecuted”. If, however, “prosecution” is what you


But, please, by all means let Al Shapton visit the White House as often as he wants and stump in support of Hillary.