
Great. So, half the government employees are out of jobs as well, right? And all those union members who are managers, they go too? Didn’t think so.

No, prostitution is not legal in Clark County, including Las Vegas.

Wait? Williams has 2 dongs? And they got “clobbered off”? That sounds worse than what happened to Holliday in last night’s game.

Because the Senate did not need a single Republican to vote for it. They had 60 votes. There is, literally, nothing the Republicans could do to stop it at that time. They only gained the ability to stop it when Scott Brown won Kennedy’s seat and the Democrats no longer had the 60 votes to do whatever they wanted.

No, they had enough votes to pass it, i.e. 51 Senators or more were in favor (and actually, they only needed 50 since a tie would be broken by the Vice-President and surely Biden would have voted in favor of it). What they did not have was the 60 votes for cloture to end the debate and allow a vote on the bill itself.

The committees that would have the majority appointed by the Democrats? Of course, the “committees” supported it but that doesn’t mean that every member of the committee was in favor of it or any part of it. That’s like saying the current Ways and Means Committee supports repealing Obamacare, therefore, the Democrats

Yes. Clearly a bill which no Republican was involved in writing and which no Republican voted for was “set up by the Republicans to fail on day one”. Or, perhaps, it was the Democrats who had to be “paid off” (i.e. the Cornhusker kickback, etc.) to vote on an incomplete bill that none of them read before voting for it

Lawyer here. My dad, also a lawyer, used to say to me when I was growing up “I don’t know when it became a requirement that to be a lawyer you have to bitch about how horrible a job it is.” He’s right and I appreciate his advice since I love my job.

Let’s see, law school is intensely competitive no matter where you go. I never saw anyone stealing books or ripping pages out of them like the stories you hear but you are still in an environment where everyone is used to be successful and getting top grades. And, then they tell you that only 10% of the people are

Too high!

Her account does not make logical sense. If they shot him in the back, he would have been pushed forward, presumably in some pain. At what point did he turn around such that he took a step forward and was shot in the chest? His step forward would have been away from the officers with his back still to them. No clue if