
RIP Geto Boys, Gravediggaz, NaS

Uh, I don't think Future was stuck in Dubai, just his DJ. Also, "Beast Mode", "56 Nights", and "Monster" are mixtapes, not EPs.

Oh that's good. Seems legit.

Oh, I'd never heard of West of Sunset before. Sounds good! I'll give it a look. Thanks for the tip!

This feels partially accurate - but Hail, Cesar! is actually a sequel to Barton Fink. Fink worked for same studio - Capitol Pictures - that Mannix runs in Hail, Cesar! Fink's boss was based on Louis B Mayer of MGM, the studio Mannix basically took over, in real life, once Louis B Mayer started slipping (see Katrina

Wow, never noticed that bit with the pay stub.

It's obviously not a 1-to-1 analogy. Django was a film about a black hero taking figurative revenge on his oppressors, made and released at an historically significant moment - the ascendence of the first black man to the Presidency, thereby overthrowing 400 years of white oppression against African Americans. And,

I don't think there's anything reductive in portraying the evils of slaver and fascism in the context of a genre movie. Waltz portrayed all the inhumane horror of Ralph Fiennes in Schindler's List, without that movie's speechifying, or exploitative wallowing in the endless executions of Jews.

I can't understand the idea that this is Tarantino's 'first' political film. Django is, after all, a freed slave revenge fantasy made in a time of incredible racial discord in a country with it's first black president, portraying it's white Southern characters as insane psychopaths. Django knocks them off with a

I don't think there's any way to call Kurtzman a 'successful' writer