
Brown not calling Noel’s name is just another attack in the continuing War on Christmas.

Whoa, its a sad day for NBA fans and I’m sure we are all going to miss Sager but KG was right on the money about those outfits. They were hideous.

They need to have a Sager Day in the NBA now. All of the players wear outrageous suits to the games and they auction them off for cancer research. It would be a cool way to remember Sager and would be a lot of fun for everybody.

This is my problem with the way these events/alleged events are reported here and elsewhere: every time a witch hunt gets started and then it turns out it was wrong, it damages the credibility of future, real assault allegations.

I think Rick Perry could dispute the “only one” part of your statement...

Are you trying to activate sleeper agents with this post?

Throwing on the one yard line instead of running it for starters

Hundreds of thousands of angry, drunk fans with guns. What could possibly go wrong?

Yeah, but I’ve heard the University of Kentucky isn’t all that fun to play at.

Actually the season shortened season of 98-99 was the Spurs first title.

It wouldn’t have mattered if he has gotten 5-7 years because the whole “Let’s completely suck for several years in a row, get high draft picks, and then be ready to kick ass by year 4 or 5.”is a bogus strategy to build a team in the first place.

His foot must have fractured under the weight of all those low expectations

And of those 5 lottery picks, of which 4 are playing, only one looks like he’ll be more than a journeyman and that’s the one they want to get rid of, Okafor. Noel isn’t going to be a guy that anyone builds around but instead is going to be a piece of a puzzle that could be handed around the league for years to come.

I voted no and it was incorrect for not calling me a fucking liar.

This is Penn State. If they get your asshole, they're not giving it back.

Honestly, at this point the people who continue to act like Burneko’s criticisms of Hinkie are tantamount to Joe Morgan spouting off about nerds and their slide rules are either being willfully obtuse or just lying about how they’re interpreting the Hinkie coverage in order to take a potshot at Burneko and/or

Consideration in free agency and notable development by any of their draft picks of consequence.

I think the biggest problem with The Process is its goal. Based on what Hinkie and the 76ers have done the last 3 years, they make it clear that the goal is to win a championship, and anything short of that doesn’t matter.

I’m as guilty of it as any sports fan... Stating, unironically, that I could likely do as good a job as any number of managers or general managers (at my age, though, I’ve accepted that I probably couldn’t outperform any active athletes... unless we’re counting Nascar drivers as “athletes,” in which case I’m