
Deep cut reference right here, mazel tov for that!

There’s a small part of me glad to see Tottenham on the giving end of some awful shit rather than the receiving (see, e.g., the desperate attempts to get people to stop shouting “Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas!” whenever they play them), but these guys need to be permanently banned from the stadium.

Don’t follow baseball, so hadn’t seen the Kiké nickname before and was slightly taken aback seeing it for the first time in a headline. Were there no Jews around to tell him he might want to spell that nickname differently?

Worst Junior Seau joke ever.

#NeverTrump going strong. At what point do we decide to liquidate these toadies?

Between this and the Megatron rule, the NFL keeps finding innovative new ways for the rules to work out at the Lions expense.

At the lower levels of the federal court system, going to a junket with someone who has business before the court and then deciding on their case is a great way to get yourself disciplined. They *really* don’t mess around with conflicts of interest. Note: none of this applies to state courts, which are a mess, or the

I feel super pedantic pointing this out, but Elo is a proper name, not an acronym (as in Arpad Elo, the chess player who came up with the system).

What does that have to do with whether Disney/ABC committed libel? The only relevant question is if their reporting was false, because truth is an absolute defense to libel.

Money runs the court system, but not in the way you seem to think. The problem is that litigation is hideously expensive, not that you can directly buy a decision. Once you make it to trial, the party in the right usually wins, but until that point there’s a virtually endless array of procedural moves you can use to

A lot of states have anti-SLAAP statutes that do a lot to combat this sort of shit, but I honestly think the only way to really get rid of abuse of libel to destroy journalism is to directly sanction the lawyers involved, not just the clients. If you altered the law so that any lawyer who had a suit dismissed under an

My initial impulse was hit a home run, because the underlying difficulty is probably higher. However, I actually changed my mind and think dunking is the less common ability. There’s a strong element of randomness in hitting a homer; I was a generally abysmal little league player, but even I managed to hit a ground

Awesome article. I have to say, though, I kind of get why corporate fought the libel case. It seems like the sort of thing that is so obviously ridiculous that no reasonable person could think it was meant as a statement of fact, and thus the statement legally can’t be libelous. Of course, de facto no jury is siding

This is severely underrated kinja.

Asked a couple of friends who have written for a SBNation site what they thought about this article, and neither thought it matched up well with their experiences. Admittedly they both wrote for one of the bigger sites in the network, but neither wrote for either the main site or the biggest site in their particulars

Rae Carruth is probably the greatest living example of the fact that football players are not criminal masterminds. His defense was so child-like and full of holes that R Kelly tried to lure it into a van.

I had it 2, 4, 5 for Jones. I could see the argument for rounds 1, 2, and 3 all going the other way, so you could theoretically make an argument that Gustafson should have won. They were definitely closely matched, though, and were landing at about the same rate throughout the fight. Also, I really don’t see how you

Owing to a freak injury in a fight where Jones was dominating. And Jones still TKO’d him. You can’t call a one-sided domination anything other than that, especially not when there was nearly 30 seconds left in the round (a.k.a., “functionally forever when Jones is raining elbows on your head).

Just saw the update and realizing that I must have misunderstood something from the article. I assumed he was being charged only with possession of child porn, which has a guidelines max of 10 years. Getting a plea for 22-27 implies he got hit with something more serious, most likely production of child pornography,

Speaking as a lawyer who generally believes in prosecutroial leniancy, how in the hell do you let someone cop to child porn and nothing else when the porn includes self-produced video of him having sex with children? What possible motive could any prosecutor have to give this scumbag such a sweetheart deal?