
great now i wanna cry

does the drop include all the players taht have stopped playing the game cuz of there BS? doesnt matter i got all my money refunded

oh boy people mad that they cant ruin peoples experience on a online game, better ddos attack them, what a bunch of ass holes. like to see these basement dwellers IRL. how is hacking a game fun? you lose the experience of the game, you dont get to enjoy it for what it is. all you are doing is making people mad. and

lesson learned dont let bad people walk all over you or they will continue to walk all over you and others. its not about the smart phone its about bad people trying to put fear into others to get what they want. so defend your self. more and more bad will happen in the world if people just puss-out and let it happen.

just gonna say that pokemon is probly more important than any of them think they are and only reason i would go to one of there concerts was if they were gonna spawn alot of pidgeys, so i could level up. 10/10 would catch again.

he is lucky no one was hurt, cuz that would of been the end of his fame and money. people need to remember that if they do something that causes harm to some one else it can lead to arrest jail time or prison or just get that living shit sued out of you and thats to anyone. but for someone with a little fame believe

loved the movie, wasnt great but it was what i wanted.

who says he will be doing the raping

makes me happy when you see people do this stuff for there fans and people. my son has CP and he loves games since its one place where he isnt relying on a walker. but some times he has problems with some controls. and this is awesome that guy like this do these things. good job guys.

i dont care what people say, this looks like a wild good ride of a movie.

all i know, is that this kid needs to keep ok going and never give up, no matter what people tell you. he might not be right about this one, but the next one could be it. he has the right stuff.

at the end my dick exploded like a over cooked hotdog.

no i didnt take any items, they came in, i started to fight like always and when i seen they were hacking i stopped and let them kill me. i didnt want to waste my time

i work up at about 3 or 4 am, on some night time cold meds to see this. had nightmares the rest of the night, and woke up feeling great. i guess i sweated the sickness out. thanks adult swim.

in the comic its glenn.


dont see how this is racist, so saying all lives matter is racist now, hmm weird, i guess if you dont just think black people matter your racist. cool world.

same girl that had the vid and pics of her doing stuff from porn? seems a little odd. her music is trash anyways and is all about cheating and being a huge slut anyways. so how am i or anyone suppose to feel bad for this POS of a human. if i was him i would hold her contract but not release any of her stuff.

you make a hate article and dont want people to respond with there opinion about your opinion? ok , i guess. im not sure how the internet works, but i dont think its like that.