
Tis the season, folks.

I didn't! I didn't! Mwaaaah-ahahaha! Though some would say my infinite Steam backlog says otherwise... but I'm still buying more and more games on every single major sale events (plus weekend and mid-week deals), so it's a lesson I definitely haven't learned, hard way or whatever.

Now playing

I thought this was one of those not-so-good things to put on your dating profile...

I so would.

Before the constant "should I buy this game?" begins:

He's a pocket monster tease.

Wow, and Nintendo didn't descend upon her with great wrath and vengeance and administer a lawyering? It's a Christmas miracle!

Indigo Heights? Isn't it Indigo Plateau?

If i would saw that guy as Gollum, at the end of the video, i would shit my pants.

Good, now they can finally concentrate on finishing the game everyone's been waiting for, Ricochet 2.

Time you enjoy wasting, is not wasting time.

I'm tired of "No life" posts on articles like this. You don't get to decide what makes life valuable - posting on Kotaku is hardly a valuable contribution to society is it? No. People do what makes them happy, fuck what other people think.

Man, why the hell cant they be making a new fight night instead?


give it few more years...

It won't be long now.

All I wanna know is did anyone take this oppurtunity to ask him about ricochet 2?

Surely you aren't including Rogue Spear, the original Rainbow Six, or Eagle Watch if you're going to say "raven shield wasn't awesome" and follow that with "vegas was fun"

"So the other day I saw these people barging in to the stage. They didn't look like they belonged here! Even I felt the physics changing... I have supernatural powers, folks. Oh, you know what's supernatural? Aliens. Well, these guys were aliens. Gotta contact Area 51!"

Military training simulation tool? Maybe. For gamers in the home, don't think this will fly. I also don't know anybody who bought a Rift (wish I did so I could play with it xD).

Well, the guy on the treadmill does look like an asshat...