You mean the one I mentioned in the opening...
You mean the one I mentioned in the opening...
My heart sung when he said Total War.
I see some errors in the cosplay. For instance, she’s holding the gun correctly.
Right. But in the interest of ensuring that nobody is misled, I’ve changed the headline from “The Witcher’s Author Says He Doesn’t Get One Cent From The Games’ Success” to “The Witcher’s Author Says He Screwed Himself Out Of Profiting Off The Games.”
I don’t see how the headline is misleading! Certainly open to feedback but it seems like the headline is exactly what this story says.
The title of this article is super misleading. He doesn’t get a cent because he refused the royalties that they offered him because he didn’t think the games would be profitable.
Considering Sapkowski’s disdain for the games, and previous comments, the headline seems a little misleading. He got paid upfront, and even demanded a lump sum instead of being cut in on the backend.
This isn’t someone being screwed over, this is someone being shortsighted and pigheaded.
I’m glad he acknowledges that the onus for this is completely on him; that he was offered a royalties-based deal and turned it down. Just from the article title, I was a bit concerned that CD Projekt had found a way to take advantage of him.
That’s a bummer. But indeed he lacked some foresight. I doubt they paid a lot of money for the whole thing, he should’ve gone for the percentage of the profits. I’m not sure how much money these games made, but i’d bet it would’ve been a lot more than what he made selling the rights straight up.
But he probably made…
If you want to keep it even cheaper/easier (though limiting some upgrade-ability) you can pick up like a $300 refurb Dell/HP/Lenovo tower, and throw in a <150$ 1050 Ti and be good to go.
Oh man Commandos 1 & 2, I don’t think my quicksave finger ever had such a workout.
I didn’t miss the point, I commented on a different aspect of the article. Congrats on being a douche.
Well I’m glad she’s focusing on her game streaming now. I’m tired of women who need to show cleavage to get views. More and current women interested in streaming should follow her lead and let the game do the talking.
Wasn’t “Alternate History WWI” part of the announcement? Doesn’t that render the discussion moot?
The Halo fanbase will probably rip me a new one for saying this, but Halo Reach has by far my favorite single player campaign out of the Halo games.
I don’t feel the need to play another game in this series, but I’ll give them endless props for not calling it ‘Ge4rs of W4r’.
Man you guys will never fucking stop
I have an even more unpopular opinion: Hayter’s lackluster voice-acting has always been one of the low-points of the series and we only put up with it because nostalgia fuels everything in the videogame industry (often to it’s detriment).
I groan everytime someone mentions the “Mario RPG series” and included SMRPG with all the inferior Paper Marios and Mario & Luigi games. For me nothing ever came close to SMRPG and it’s a game that deserves more attention.