
But I heard it’s just a roster update from last year’s...

I think Kotaku is going to have to do a big comparison between Professional Farmer 2014 and Farm Simulator. How am I supposed to know which is the more accurate farming game? This must be studied.

I just came in to post that. Ban this sick filth.

Can this be next on the plate for a next-gen revival? Pretty please?

they specialized on license-games.
At least we get good license games then :D

Because really, who wants a fully functional console on Day One. It's not like $600 is THAT much to ask in exchange right?

My favorite part was Bill Gates being an evil guy again, it took me right back to 90's. Such memories.

You know nothing, because I do no such thing. I also didn't review Killzone. Try again.

Intel Quad-Core Haswell i7 4770K | $300

"Red is playing on his PC! It has a PC Master Race membership card."

Gamecube, console of the century.

I think he's cosplaying as Adobe.

The Game of Thrones parody in this episode was fantastic.

How could you not pick the Japanese cover to Dark Souls? It had simply beautiful composition, avoided orange blue contrast and perfectly captures the feeling and ambiance.

What's wrong with you people? No, seriously, I really wonder why you people religiously fight for a multinational company that doesn't really care about you.

Well, for starters, the headline would be "No, The Xbox One Doesn't Have A 'Wobbling' Problem."

Nintendo announced the news during their Nintendo Direct this morning. Still no word on whether they ever plan on implementing a system for recovering your digital games if you lose your 3DS.

I was adding on to what he was saying.