Not so sure about this idea. I'm definitely more tempted to get a Wii U soon but I don't think I'd jump on this Amiibos thing. If I was a strapping young lad still I would probably dig it.
I hear that, especially since these are the only modes so far. Hopefully (but I'm sure) they have more things to do.
Haha, that's exactly what I thought when I played it on the 3DS but I still played the shit out of it
Rainbow Six everybody! Even though it says pre-alpha footage. It'll probably be out after the next E3
I'd recognize Cammy's anywhere.... <_< >_>
The acting as they play! HAHAHAHA too good
But it says pre-alpha gameplay!! :'( how long must we wait?
Lolz, the "friends" playing this are all trying to sound super professional.
Shiiiit that'd be amazing. Better be right!
Should be a picture of Crabtree shoving Sherman
Nintendo (Online Video Event) 9:00 AM - 10/10:30 AM PDT
It's ALL about the grass starters!
Hats confirmed
Oh wow, this looks way more open like the first one. I'm totally down for this
You should just stream Cookie Clicker then. No talking needed, just the elegance of clicking.
Seinfeld can't help everyone
Farming Simulator 2011 : Platinum Edition ($5) | Amazon
Wish I would've preordered this, I've always loved Wolfenstein but sometimes it's risky being an early adopter. So glad it's getting awesome reviews.