Ryan Smith


Hey guys, thanks for the kind words about this series, it was a great fun to be a part of.

OH HEY, if you guys want to play some Destiny on Xbox Live, friend me. I'm Sasquatchkid7 on Xbox Live.

I guess I'm going to have to start writing "In Defense of the Shooter Tutor" accompanying comments every week.

I don't disagree. To be fair, I didn't really know what his skills were coming in and I only put him in multiplayer once at the end of our two hour session as a measuring stick. It was pretty funny though.

Oh neat, our first one is up.

Excuse the my grammar/coherence with the last comment. Difficult to write comments on a iPhone while standing next to a 30 foot screen blaring Destiny.

Hey you guys, I'm literally writing this comment while waiting in line to look at a new Destiny thing at E3. I appreciate the comments and I understand some of the reaction.


Post Script: I was actually higher on this game when I played at E3 and a preview event a few months. Those were both controlled environments where the players were regulated and coached by the developers/PR. In the wild west of Xbox Live, without that kind of quality control, I had way less of a good time. In more

I highly recommend the San Francisco to Chicago train trip (except for when writing game reviews).

Nope, pretty much sober but part of it was actually written while on a cross-country Amtrak trip.

I already got a quasi-death threat on Facebook today from this review, so I think it'd par for the course.

I was more of a second wave emo guy, personally. I don't disagree with your point though.

Eh, what can I say, I didn't fact check "Oi! Oi!" in Sex Pistols lyrics. So much for ethics in game journalism! Just kidding, here: http://www.last.fm/music/Se…

Plus, I'm hungry.

And now that I emptied out my notebook (and iPhone photo album), I wanted to thank you guys for reading all my video game related doggerel these past two weeks. It was a pleasure.

One thing I've noticed in recent years is that changes to Xbox Live's party system means that there's way less public chat in multiplayer games. Most people are immersed in their own private parties. It's a double edged sword. On one hand, it means less idiots yelling racist/vulgar things. On the other hand, there's a

I honestly thought it might taste like hot fudge or caramel for whatever reason. This is why I am a games critic and not a food critic.

You are too kind, dearest Fluka!