I was with you right up until the end, in my opinion one person voting who is ineligible is to many. I agree with everything else.
I was with you right up until the end, in my opinion one person voting who is ineligible is to many. I agree with everything else.
Then why is the excuse ‘black people cant afford it?’ Sounds like they claim it’s the people. And most voter ID laws have free id provision and other elements to help those who don’t have a state provided ID.
many states already do that, and like i said a national level one would likely be free
Until you require them to vote and then people loose their minds.
Precursor to a national ID?
Congratulations for being “That Guy” and politicizing a good laugh about a dumbass and his VW...... You are like the acid rain of Jalopnik commentariats.... (and yes, I know “commentariats” isn’t a word.... I made it up, cause I wanted something that sounded a little fancier but still indicating how pretentious you…
If it goes back to court he’ll lose. This is just being damn cheeky.
I am an attorney and don’t fully understand it, nor should I. That would take an immense amount of research from any attorney, which is why they get paid.
In WA state it would be illegal, he needs the left side mirror also.
Legally required to be operable in MN.
I’m with you. The whole thing is getting incredibly stupid. I know, I know, VW started it by cheating on the numbers; they sure did, and they are paying a HUGE price for their dishonesty, as they should. It bugs the crap out of me to see so many people willing to take that as a carte blanche reason to be total dicks…
No way man, this car salesman read a federal class action settlement, all relevant case law, and all relevant statutes. Everyone knows car salesman are way smarter than lawyers and judges.
So, you are potentially going to deny yourself some seriously awesome vehicles (Porsche/Audi, and I love my Golf-R) because some jabroni on the internet tried to get cute-sy with VAG by stripping his car down the before drop off for some LOLZ and internet fame? Really? If so, your face never really liked your nose…
Appropriate screen name is appropriate. Hate to sound like I’m taking VW’s side in this but man do I not feel the least little bit bad for them telling this dude to fuck right off.
To everyone that has said he meets the letter of the ageeement, judges have the ability to interpret the SPIRIT of the agreement. The spirit is clearly to say they’ll buy it even if there been accidents or problems with the are. To deliberately devalue the vehicle for the purpose of getting extra value at VW’s…
Like you could afford a new Porsche.
He expected them to bend over and take it (the car). In the BP oil spill settlement, the company paid compensation even for dogs of fish boat crews for lost wages...
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
WTF did he really expect them to do?
Is it legal to drive it on public roads in that condition? Is it still considered “operable” if it isn’t legally allowed on the road?