Well if some Bubba in Wisconsin can manage to do it, it’s hardly rocket science…
Surprisingly they left their manufacturing in the U.K. but there’s been chatter of them relocating or at best reducing their footprint due to Brexit.
Tata’s based out of India so I figured all their manufacturing is in India. Am I wrong in assuming this?
To suggest that country is incapable of manufacturing or that you’ll refuse to buy anything manufactured there is borderline xenophobic, which is a shame really because if Harley wants a successful tariff-free existence in the Indian market (who fucking love their bikes), they’ll need to have a factory there.
Much of the software the USA relies upon in coded in India.
Smart man. Stay away from the Chinese wubbers.
HD is a luxury item in India - it is not a family vehicle. Anyone who has an HD there has a car, or other bikes to use as the family ride.
REAL bikers
They build the Parts in America and to get around the tariff they assemble the bikes they sell in India in India. Bikes sold in USA still built and assembled here.
Define “REAL bikers”.
Meanwhile Americans consume most of the world’s resources. Perhaps we need to cut down on that first before telling India, China, et al. to use birth control
Indians? although they should be buying Indians
That's repulsive. Good for you for not giving into peer pressure! I wouldn't have drunk it, either!
That's disgusting. You couldn't have paid me to do it.
That's kind of heroic actually. You deserve praise for not caving into that bullshit "art". Was this artist by any chance the same girl in that viral video where she rubs spaghettios on her vagina while mumbling incoherently?