It gets so little credit that even people who want to give it credit can't get the name right! ;) (It's Ogre Battle/Tactics Ogre)
It gets so little credit that even people who want to give it credit can't get the name right! ;) (It's Ogre Battle/Tactics Ogre)
Yeah the MS jizz has yet to be wiped off his face. The 360 is usually the lead platform on COD (lowest common denominator) so they can port it easier to the other consoles (PS3, PC, Wii U).
I imagine people care because when deciding which console to spend $400-500 on, one important question is "which of these will have the best-performing multiplatform games in 5 years?"
But why bother?
The President didn't shut down the government. The government shut down when Congress failed to pass a budget that would authorize the President to keep it open. At that point, the Anti-Deficiency Act — an act of Congress — kicked in and invoked criminal penalties for management in the executive branch if they kept…
You people will find ANYTHING to fault Obama for, it's just crazy really.
Sure. Just like the last two presidents (Clinton, who "dodged" the draft by receiving a student deferment, and Bush, who "evaded" the draft by using connections to secure non combat duty during Vietnam in the Texas reserve). Just like a full quarter of our past presidents, including such luminaries as John Adams;…
Because God forbid we have a President who doesn't follow arbitrary military customs to the letter. Is nothing sacred!?
I believe he refers to him as Will because it was Capt. Swenson's preference, not because he was being disrespectful. I imagine he considers it a honor to be referred to so personally by the President.
>Chinese news reports state that the program was mandatory, and if they students did not participate, they would not receive their diploma.
Am I the only one who didn't find this even remotely funny?
They run presentations and/or tutorial classes showing off their products and what not.
THey provide free training & tutorials on just about everything Apple sales (Final Cut, How to make most of your Mac, iPod/iPhone syncing etc)
My speculation is that it will be revealed that Walt Jr. is the brains behind everything the whole time. He was Gus' boss and now he plays his dad like a marionette. After Walt confesses his ways to his son Walt Jr. will just laugh and say "No shit dad, who do you think bought all of the Captain Crunch?"
I'm using the gold master edition and the phone does have quick access to turn off bluetooth, wifi and such on iOS7. Just swipe up. But yeah, I agree with your other points. I'd like that bar at the bottom to be more transparent or something.
Everything you see in the videos is for iOS; It's not device-specific. If it's on the iPad, it's on the iPhone. I've been on the iOS7 beta and I've gone as far as 3 levels deep in my folders without a problem.
A Western made JRPG? Can't we just remake this?
I had the Kingdom Hearts "collection" pre-ordered for a couple months before realizing it was just the first game and some videos and some remake of a remake of a handheld game. It is/was advertised as coming with 3 games and called a "collection" at a time when all HD collections were coming with 2 or 3 or even 4…
An intern being put to work doing nothing but QA testing? That's not an intern position, that's free labour and a bad manager.
The reason it isn't a sphere is because going north on the map doesn't all converge to one point (the north pole), but instead puts you on the southern end of the map at the same east-west coordinate.