
I call bull shit on this comment because Sony has always stuck by their plans since the first PlayStation. Fact is, Sony never planned on screwing us like Microsoft did. Two completely different companies, with two different mindsets.

Sony to Microsoft. Ever kicking Microsoft when they are down.

I don't know. I think a reasonable argument can me made that the entire reason everyone was panicked about what Sony would do is precisely because of what MS was doing. I remember at the time, the rumor was that MS and Sony would actually be colluding to curtail rights because it simply wouldn't work if only one of

Its a fair point,accusations were thrown at Sony, rumours were causing uncertainty, so its fair enough they waited and nailed it in that they weren't following similar policies. Sounds like average everyday business to me...

It was a Japanese forklift, probably had VTEC

And also Hitler happens to have existed. Not so with good old Satan.

Laveyan Satanism doesn't actually involve worshipping Satan, and infact doesn't even claim the character exists. The Satan mythos is used to mock other religions.

Satanists don't worship Satan, is the answer to that.

I vote the creator is dumb for saying JIF when it's clearly GIF. Why didn't he just name the format JIF if he wanted it to be pronounced that way?

What about it? Unlike Windows and all the unnecessarily complicated hoops you have to jump through to do the simplest tasks, OSX will recognize and pair with a Sixaxis or DS3 perfectly fine without the need for any extra software or complicated steps.

No, in the oringinal NA SNES release of FFIV/II they show up when everyone comes to fight the Giant of Babil on one of the airships with the village elder who says something along the lines of "I removed their stone curse!"

I thought thats only the US version, the Japanese version they are dead dead.

PC had always won in Japan. Where else are you going to play your eroge and doujin games on?

Nah, the PC elitists have been saying that for a couple console generations, youre a little late.

I called the Xbox policy silly, not Square's decision.

Thanks for sharing...

Every once in a while, I like to leap off of a burning building and then onto another, smaller burning building. Keeps the blood flowing.