
truth. I am not for repealing the ACA per say but it needs to be amended and fixed. I currently pay over $600 per month for a pretty crappy healthcare plan and for me that is NOT AFFORDABLE (almost 1/4 of my monthly income). Before ACA I had a pretty nice HSA setup with my employer that cost me under $375 a month.

amen to that; sounds like a 13 year old man child

wow. yeah that was more than a bit much. Not gonna lie the dude sounds like a very unstable nerd type getting all kinds of worked up over what (in the end) is just a game.

wait; people still shop at GameStop? I quit a lot time ago. They are always over priced and the frequent up-sell attempts are beyond annoying. Either get Amazon Prime or (better yet) Gamer’s Club Unlocked ($30 for 2 years at Best Buy and you get 20% off games) and it’s a much better deal without this kind of crap