Ryan North

I mean, the fun thing with comic book science is we don’t have to worry about things like Square-Cube law most of the time. But I’m sure if you took something like a tadpole, we could beat up a human-sized tadpole no problem. Right? I feel confident in saying that.

I am not the right person to ask, but I really hope there will be! These decisions tend to get made based on the popularity of the character, so every month the book comes out, our odds go up, I think.


1. Doctor Octopus and Venom. Both characters are in different states now (Doc Ock’s mind is in a robot body incognito, Venom is off in space being a good guy) but I FOUND A WAY. That’s in issue #11 coming up, I think!

One of the endings has a robot mecha fight, yes!

I feel like the problem with Sherlock is he’s REALLY SMART, but if you’re playing him, you’d have to be really smart too. Maybe there’s only one way to solve the cases, but lots of ways to have Sherlock realize he’s not that smart after all and go into a new line of work. Sounds like a depressing book!

Hair is really puffy and compresses well! THIS I CLAIM.


I think it’s the fun of it that’s so appealing.


Well, assuming Teen Ryan had the projects explained to him so he knew what a Jake the Dog was, I think


I don’t know! The people I think of are probably too old to be playing a second-year uni student. I read this a while back and thought it was pretty good - especially for Kraven:

I hope Britain doesn’t mess up the EU for you today!!

Aw that’s great! That’s the experience I wanted people to have with it. Hooray!

Haha, most of those were Erica’s idea! The first issue where we showed it I dumped in a bunch of titles, but “Kraven’s Last Bundt” is AMAZING, as is “House of MMM”, and both those were Erica. I think I did “The Ultimate Burgifier” but it pales in comparison to the others. To answer your question, I would go to Gyros

The thing with the play format is it’s meant to be performed, and the thing with a choose-your-own-play is that it’s NOT UNTRICKY to get that to work in a way that makes sense (and doesn’t require the players to memorize lines for 599993236262 possible plays). So in a book format you’re missing scene description,

holes EVERYWHERE. Also I included a link to the coverage of it in my reply and it looks like it got filtered out! Anyway google “ryan north hole” and you’ll get the... hole story?

Haha, there is a letter in an upcoming Squirrel Girl letters page asking this very question! *I* answered it by saying that I assume she can talk to ground / flying squirrels too, AND marmots and prairie dogs, but then I tossed it to Erica and I haven’t seen what she answered. If she agreed: great! But if not: THE

It’d smell even sweeter, because everyone would be so relieved that when we renamed roses we dodged the “dogfartblossompoosmell” contingent and settled on something inoffensive like “glopgork”.