Also great for getting rid of resin! Or so I’ve heard.
Also great for getting rid of resin! Or so I’ve heard.
Both you and wilyquixote are 100% right- I don’t know a single person who liked any of the Rocky movies who is down on Rocky III. Is it the height of cinema? Nope. Was it really fucking fun, memorable, and a cultural touchstone of us fools ages 12-16 when it came out? Damn right. If a movie’s purpose is to entertain…
At first I was mad but, yeah... we are. Maybe your people are slimmer because you have to be ready to run away from all of your deadly local fauna.
I would call you a liar, but I have a friend who probably weights 120 lbs soaking wet and she only poops once a week- and says that her doctor says that is not abnormal. If that’s possible, anything is possible.
Oh I’m not miserable after I eat White Castle- but everyone else is. And I don’t care who you are or how good your digestive system is, you will wreck a bathroom post slider binge.
White Castles are fine sober. The key is... don’t overdo it. You absolutely can house like a million of the fuckers, but the diabolical consequence is that they metastasize in your stomach and the bread and grease and “meat” turn into something that makes you a person that no one wants to be around for 12-24 hours,…
But the life choice to end that pregnancy is totally fine to put the kibosh on.
OMG that suggestion reeks of “I’ll trade you two quarters for one dollar!” On its face it is hilarious. Like trading the state of New York for Ohio. And I live in Ohio!
I kinda feel the same way? Goofy as hell to say, but my God there so much more to be mad about than this. On a ten scale it isn’t even a two. In a world where MTG exists and says words, this is nothing.
As someone who paid $70 for games in 1992, I am 100% unsurprised that we’re meeting this threshold at this time given the relative stability games have had in price for nearly 30 years. No, I’m not crazy happy to be paying more for something that often used to cost less, but I can’t say that it’s unreasonable- and if…
No kidding!! I fucking LOVE Pikmin and am as stoked for it as I am for literally anything else.
See I’m a sucker- I don’t give a shit about the nasty candy bar, I just want to reward the kid for schlepping door to door. I’m the guy who buys the garbage. Perhaps I have more kids in my neighborhood than you but at least 6-7 times a year I get neighborhood Girl and Cub Scouts coming to my door pitching me on their…
I dunno... there’s value in supporting kids who are industrious enough to walk door to door selling shit? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I was that kid a billion years ago, selling “World’s Finest Chocolate” for the Cub Scouts, and it suuuucked. My spoiled brat children depending upon me to bring their Girl Scout cookie sign ups to work…
Yeeeeeah I don’t think so. Given a choice between filthy slush/salty undercarriage and hitting vast swaths of ice on the interstate at 65 MPH+, gimme the salt please. Every time.
What, no Captain Carrot or his Amazing Zoo Crew? Sheesh
God bless them both. As a 51 year old man, the thought of actually spending time with someone in their early to mid 20's fills me with existential dread. Not because there is anything at all with women in their early to mid 20's, but because the ENTIRE time I’d be thinking about how close this person is to the age of…
This is where Sheetz needs a VP of Common Sense. Totally cool to fire the meth addict who can’t get his shit right- but the optics behind this are just... BAD. The problem with being a business like Sheetz is that it is so, so easy to, you know, just not go there and go across the street to BP (who also sucks). But…
As a former prosecutor who has prosecuted more “the gun just went off” cases than you could shake a stick at, I will tell you that that defense... doesn’t really work in most cases. We hire experts that testify as to how many pounds of pressure are necessary for a trigger pull, and in most cases have at least a couple…
I always keep about $300 stashed between my iPad case and the iPad itself. I often forget that it is there, for months if not a year plus. But invariably SOMETHING comes up while I’m traveling where cash is preferred or required and it comes in amazingly handy. Strangely enough, I don’t keep cash in my car even though…
Yikes on bikes! Thanks to Google I now know that “milage” is a variant spelling of mileage... but literally nobody uses it. So it looks wrong. Even though it is in the Scrabble dictionary. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It’s like an american army officer pronouncing “lieutenant” as “leftenant”. We don’t do that in this establishment. …