The Nets still lost.
Finding legitimacy in a company that performs fake fighting?
“They make them too.”
but just remember that Jared Goff got himself a $110 million contract because of his ability to stare dumbly at the defense
Against the Bengals, tho...
I don’t see Vince McMahon giving the okay to pour more money into the presumed C show.
Propecia for sure, right?
So can we admit that the Seahawks have been pretty impressive considering they’ve had to deal with a Super Bowl contender divisional rival every year since 2011?
I believe the real point is that the Bills, Dolphins and Jets are never a threat to win the division because they still lose to OTHER teams.
I blame the Mongols.
Christ, how many UFC “The Next Big Thing” fighters have we had this year? Like 8?
He means “Wrestling”.
And that’s why the Premiere League is basically two teams beating the shit out of the rest of the riff raff.
Normally, I’d scoff at your obsession over the banal minutiae of a fuckin’ baseball game...
You just hate him cause you can’t stand to see a successful white QB!
When you fall off the horse...