Ryan Janik

The modding scene for this game is going to be excellent

Now playing

bizarrely enough there is a Final Fantasy Doom mod (though not very good)

I do know that Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze isn't suffering because the second screen is fark. The game is gorgeous because or despite that.

Post a link here if you actually go through with it!

Just pitch a flawless idea for a revolutionary game and roll the PC replacement cost into it. Also include the cost of personal education if you're not a game developer. Here's a free one: DOOM meets Final Fantasy. GO!

Your next PC should be:

That is a major bummer.

Wow was it a power surge?

Sounds like a sweet collection. I still have my old VB, but it's serious neck/eye strain. I really want a virtual boy collection, because emulators don't cut it, and I doubt there will ever be a Virtual Boy 2. I don't want these games lost to eternity! How about a "Virtual Boy Remix" with new colors and all sorts of

Kevtron, you are Nostradamus right now

Tonight at 5pm Eastern, there's another Nintendo Direct. Will we enter a new era? The year of Kirby, perhaps? The year of Vitality Sensors? The year of Virtual Console? (Please.) Post your best guesses here. Winner will get the satisfaction of knowing that they were right about something on the last day of Luigi.

Hmm, what about a Virtual Boy collection? There are some classic games I'd love to play again.

The year that the Wii U blows us all away

Please save us from these mongers, Google Fiber

Started a new lets play channel where we get drunk