
The biggest thing that bugged me about that movie is... Why didn't the humans nuke or drop large objects on them from space? Then come back forthe unstupidnamium. Space was their major tactical advantage.

Thumbs down. Until I realized Gizmodo re-posted their add. So I guess it worked as intended.

We had an awesome outside hot tub. We used to take it to the beach. It was a wood stove with a steal pipe welded through it. The water would circulate into the stove through the bottom pipe and out the top pipe. It would take about an hour to heat the tub. Having a hot tub on the beach was awesome for parties.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: Seriously? Have you watched his show? He's all about money and gaining more of it. So long as his website is down he's not making private websales. I'm pretty sure he's pissed.

@Coreboy: Not fair. Making me laugh out loud at work.

@bowei437: I'm all for giving ocean researchers more money. However your statement somewhat implies removing the grants from space which would cripple industry and seriously damage research. You can't just shut off research and turn it back on again. People have careers, jobs, and whole industries devoted to

10 people? Do this we 1000 or 10,000 diverse people then we'll see if it means anything.

@LordNige: I was laying on a beach having a nap and a bee stung me. I wasn't moving and it stung me. There was no one else around. Now there was for sure a "bee" reason to do this but I assure you sitting still does not work 100% of the time.

Time to rick roll that baby

@Wayne Ripley: Considering it's a 50 character password I'm assuming he's used something better then windows to encode his data. Truecrypt (is free) for instance offers NSA level protection and can be used on whole drives.

@Rogi: You forgot the part where they use explosives to "disarm the box" on site destroying the front entrance of the home.

3.1 Square meters = 10.17 feet.

@geekymitch: They actually had a pretty good year. One tiny sector of their business didn't do well but their money maker windows 7 and office 2007 make so much money for the company that things like xbox profit few billion a year in revenue look like petty cash. He needed a near perfect year to get a full bonus. You


@Monty: Like everything else in facebook you would likely need to add them to your profile for your facebook friends to skype you. Since you don't have facebook nothing would change for you.

@Settings: There's nothing wrong with cloned meat. A cow is a cow. How the egg gets inseminated is largely irrelevant. (think test tube babies except there's no sperm.)

@enjoybobudo: As a show of faith in their diagnosis. 33 psychologists should be locked in a dark room until the miners are free.

@thnikkamax: This is flawed. Just because we're the only example we know of doesn't mean we're the only one. Our knowledge is limited by our time and technology. Using similar logic we could conclude that every yellow star of our suns mass will have planets orbiting it with life on them. Something like a billion *

94 out of 166 reviews over 3 years rate it as poor or terible. Most hotels are sad to have even a couple poor reviews. Sounds like they were lucky to be evicted.

@Nitemancometh: I like how the momma bear is preparing the meal and the papa bear in the background is saying grace before devouring Bambi.