
@BruteSquad: The problem is if it can't be done with a massive profit margin ISP's will not do it. Most of these areas could be given high speed internet and the costs could be covered by the service. Just because something isn't intrinsically profitable for the service provider doesn't mean it should not be provided.

@Dancing Milkcarton: To be fair 10.5 trillion of that was before the current administration was in office. You can't just turn off that kind of deficit spending in the middle of a financial meltdown.

@Carson Gallo: Yeah. I don't think they're donating money to improve the internet speeds in the US. There are more important things to do that you know benefit humanity.

@qballdz: Yeah dial up. My sister actually lives in a rural area at the moment. There's no 3G. She uses dial up. She got an iPod for her birthday and guess what they don't come with software. You have to download a 93mb iTunes file from Apple. It takes me about 3 seconds. It took her over a month. (file transfer kept

@MasterYong: Sure if I were to say you will never get struck by a bullet falling from the sky. I have an extremely high chance of being correct. The more people in the area of fire the more chances there are of someone getting hit. Just because the chances are low does that make it less "reckless and stupid"? I don't

@MasterYong: I remember that one. They were shooting strait up. The bullet goes up and gravity causes it's deceleration to zero. On the way down it's subject just to air friction and gravity's 32' per second acceleration. People unloading a clip from an AK in the air are doubtful to be shooting strait up. Bullets not

His websites awesome.

@NjMatt: OMG that's awesome.

I'll never get that. Firing guns in the air is reckless and stupid. Surprise people die when you do stupid things with guns.

Come on this is a joke right? I get it. He's "Weezer" becuase he's fat and running through the jungle out of breath all the time. Not that funny

I love how the next car just pulls up and they hand them their meal like nothing happened.

@geolemon: yeah you can. My friend just bought a BB Bold on a 3 year and canceled the data plan for like $100. She's on a talk and text only plan. Sure it cost $100 but $20 a month x 36 months for something she wouldn't use would have cost a lot more.

@EvilDroidClone: I would buy Walmart stock. Since that's where 90% of it would go.

@jepzilla: I think The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for example has a little more vision than that. They're not sending food to Africa they're building farms, helping to cure or at least prevent AIDS, and developing vaccines which benefit the world. They're building the foundations of societies so they can stand on

@Justin: To make bigger and better bombs in smaller packages.

@BLVC25: Good luck with that.