You don’t seem to understand the importance of guaranteed loans here.
You don’t seem to understand the importance of guaranteed loans here.
Fahrenheit makes perfect sense for weather. 0-100 is the range of temperatures that are non-threatening to you. If it’s less than zero, or more than 100, you need to take more than basic survival measures. It’s like a percentage of how hot you’ll be.
There is just so much actual temperature variance in a degree or two of Celsius.
There used to be a really cool gravity simulator that I had on my old 68k Mac that was a similar program (but easier to use.) The trick with it was to create a stable system, which was surprisingly difficult with more than two or three objects. Note that unless you specified it not to, the larger “sun” objects moved…
It's not the passengers. Don't blame the victim, blame the people doing it to the victim.
If the money was ACTUALLY free, then the car manufacturer would collapse.
Zero percent interest is not a car manufacturer acting benevolent, even though that is what their sales and marketing people want you to believe.
It’s just a way to get you to pay the interest up front.
Why continue to fall for 0% interest is…
More security theater at it’s finest. We’re not any safer than pre-9/11, it’s just that for the most part, terrorists aren’t bothering to hijack planes anymore because that tactic isn’t effective. Pre-9/11, passengers and crew were told to cooperate with hijackers because they usually wanted some material thing or to…
The point is that “you” (generic you, the person who comes across the seal pup on the beach) are probably not in a good position to judge whether the animal is actually abandoned or in danger of dying; or whether it only SEEMS to be abandoned (while its mother is away temporarily, getting food, for example).
What the fuck?? Was iMowbot not good enough for them?
♫I’m dancing on butter (whoa oh) And don’t it feel good (HEY!) Alright now♫
I read a scifi novel once about some scientists who had tapped into “nearby” alternative realities. Their first application was a self-correcting typewriter. It monitored the same you typing in a hundred near universes to average out typos. But the twist was that some people discovered how to inhabit the minds of…
It flows, it takes the shape of it’s container, it doesn't expand at STP, and it is relatively incompressible. Sounds like a liquid.
You would think people would at least look at the funny pictures included in the Ikea comic book that comes with every package.
Doesn’t everyone bolt their furniture to the walls? We do this for every piece of furniture due to earthquakes.
Where’s the indication Kirk doesn’t have a brother? In fact, wasn’t that referenced in the delete scene with his step-father?
The fullest disclosure here would entail telling people where he drove it.
I’m in the odd position of loving HamNo’s writing while disagreeing with him on nearly every thought that flies from that truly impressive cranium of his. (All his articles, not just this one)
That’s no dog.
Exactly, otherwise this could be used to murder drivers. Groups of 4-5 people can jump into the middle of the road and cause cars to automatically slam into walls.
It seems that there should be a caveat. If your vehicle is obeying all rules of the road, it shouldn’t kill you because some group of asshats decide to jaywalk at the last second.