
Hey Scott, not sure where in NZ you are from, but are you OK what with the earthquake and all?

Here is a viewpoint that should appeal to the LGBT community as well as supporters of individual freedom and small government... Our government gets to decide who can and cannot marry because we, the people, give the government the power to make that decision. Take that decision away from the government. Call it

I feel like we are living in a house of cards. How can we expect continual economic growth, every quarter, without corresponding growth in energy consumption? I feel like the economy is based on the notion that people will just keep buying more and more shit, some of which they need, most of which they don’t (like

The “rich” budget leaves out any costs associated with a car besides insurance and fuel. Even a new car requires maintenance. Oil changes every 5K to 10K miles. New tires between 30K and 40K miles. Replacement brakes periodically. None of these items are prohibitively expensive by themselves, but they must be

No, they will not and they should not. The USA is not a direct democracy, and the electoral college was designed as a fail safe. But it isn’t a fail safe that should allow HRC to win the presidency due to defecting republican electors. The people elected the republican candidate, and now it is the job of the

All CapitalOne cards come with no foreign transaction fees, which is probably the most important feature for someone who does a lot of international travel. Those fees will eat your lunch.

Forget CAFE standards... I want to see the Renewable Fuel Standard repealed, or at least modified to remove the 10% ethanol blend wall and the requirement to blend a certain amount of cellulosic ethanol into gasoline. It is absurd to penalize fuel distributors for not buying and blending material that doesn’t exist

By creating the CAFE standards and associated rules, we’ve created, in essence, a game that automakers must play. It is the law of unintended consequences. Automakers have to make small, fuel efficient vehicles (that don’t sell well right now) in order to balance out larger, less efficient vehicles in order to meet

This is a good point. If you are renting a house and offer to maintain the yard for a discount, you should think about what a service would charge. Also think about the cost of owning, maintaining, and depreciating the equipment. If you don’t already own the lawn mower, trimmer, hedge clippers, rake, leaf blower,

Sue gives good advice. Basically, if it is in the lease that you need to mow and pay for water (including watering the yard), then you need to do so. If it is in the lease, when your lease is up, try to negotiate a discount or ask her to pay for lawn upkeep and a credit towards the water bill. It would be far cheaper

THIS!!! I’ve been spatchcocking my turkeys for several years now and they turn out great. I skip the bacon wrap... I’ve tried it before and found that it imparts too much salt/smoke/richness, but that is personal taste.

Except if they sell 10 things to buy one thing, then there is a net reduction. We can’t expect children to understand or appreciate the value of money. Kids see money as something to get what they want... entertainment, fun, happiness. Expecting them to understand that clutter is bad, and that having money vs

Try shopping for a used .22. Try Armslist or another local firearm sales website, assuming face to face sales are legal where you live. New guns are bad investments. Generally a new firearm will, at best, sell for 80% of the current retail price unless there is a panic, and that is for a person to person

If you catch someone waiving a gun at you again with your dash cam & you have their plates, please report it to the policy. Brandishing is a serious crime, and gives reasonable, law abiding gun owners a bad name. I would hope that most people who drive with guns in their vehicles are reasonable people who simply

I think all of the options need to be things that the owner can do, or have done somewhere. Definitely no BTO. Have some basic packages available as options, but have most everything be doable outside of the dealership. The aftermarket for this type of vehicle would be tremendous.

Rules for crashing on the couch (actually the guest room):

For $1300, I’d buy one per year as a daily driver. NP all the way.

If less than stellar reliability is a concern, one big incentive they can offer is an extended factory warranty. How about a 5 year, 60000 mile factory warranty program on these? Combine that with some light incentives, and I bet they could shift some market share their way.

And this is as it should be everywhere, whether it be a small town or a big city. I respect my neighbor’s property, and expect the same in return.

Yes it is. When someone takes something that doesn’t belong to them, it is theft. If you leave your keys in the car and it is stolen, then you are an idiot, but you are still the victim of a crime. By saying that it isn’t theft and the victim “should be forced to take the bus” makes it sound like you are excusing