I also use Firefox 11 with Adblock Plus, and I was experiencing the same problem. Clearing all cache/cookies is what fixed it for me.
I also use Firefox 11 with Adblock Plus, and I was experiencing the same problem. Clearing all cache/cookies is what fixed it for me.
Firefox 11 also adds support for the SPDY protocol: [en.wikipedia.org]
I use (and highly recommend) imo: [imo.im]
Referring to the DreamHost section of the article, I am a current customer and have made a couple promo codes for my fellow lifehackers in the past, which are effective for the lifetime of your paid account with them:
They've actually just lowered the extra bonus space from 5 GB to 3 GB as of today. See [forums.dropbox.com]
The easiest way to get this free space is to record several 30 minute+ videos on your phone, then plug it in and allow Dropbox to import those videos. Soon after the uploads complete (after importing from your phone, they have to finish uploading to Dropbox), an extra 5 GB should be added to your storage capacity.…
To clarify my original post, the LH2FREE and LHFREEIP promo codes are only applicable with a paid hosting plan. They provide two free domains or a free unique IP address, respectively, for as long as you have a paid hosting plan with DreamHost.
Sorry to hear that you're having difficulty with this. As crisss1205 posted, the field looks like this: [cl.ly] (you can see this on the screen after filling out your mailing address).
Yes, the promo codes will only work for new customers.
For those of you who would like to switch to DreamHost, I've created two promo codes for my fellow lifehackers:
There is no support for multiple log ins. The only thing you can do in the settings is "Reset app state". It's a very, very bare-bones app, basically just a web interface wrapped inside an app.
It doesn't. You'd have to sign out of the current account to log into a new one.
The app still has some pretty significant issues, especially with notifications. There are no actual visual notifications; even though there are settings to, for example, show notifications on the lock screen and in the notification center, nothing appears when receiving an email, whether actively using the phone or…
Nevermind; it appears to be working now. Thanks for the tip! Now if only they'd stop appending that stupid "—" at the end of every message...
I just tried that, and it's not the case. I replied to an email sent to one of my secondary "send mail to" accounts, and it replied from the primary account.
They really should support sending mail from different addresses, as they do on the desktop site. I use my Google Apps account to manage mail to/from various addresses.
The new design still has the Tea House theme.
Just posted earlier today: [googlereader.blogspot.com]
Coincidentally, a new post just appeared on the official Google Reader blog about changes they're implementing soon: [googlereader.blogspot.com]
I have HTTPS Everywhere installed, so I've been defaulting to encrypted search for months (in addition to accessing the encrypted version of hundreds of other sites, where available). All Firefox users should really install this add-on!