Ryan Goldstein

An 8% growth estimation is actually pretty conservative when considering an investment spanning multiple decades. The S&P 500 has averaged an annual return of 10.3% since 1926. Additionally, there have been positive returns over any 10-year period during the past 50 years. (Source: Morningstar)

There's an excellent matrix comparing four major types of investment accounts at [en.wikipedia.org]

As posted by ntnylion, after maxing out your retirement-specific accounts (401(k) and Roth), you should invest the rest in a traditional IRA. Since this is a retirement (i.e. long-term) investment, as long as you're sufficiently diversified, you should be fine regardless of what you invest in (ETFs, stocks, mutual

Copying the reply I posted to bemental...

Of course, the money is taxed when it goes in, but the fact that it can grow and be cashed out tax-free is huge. Quoting the article I linked to:

Investing in a Roth IRA is a really great way to save for retirement. Any money invested via a Roth IRA grows tax-free, and you can cash it out tax-free too, once you're 59.5 years old. It's pretty much a legal way to evade taxes.

Have you tried LogMeIn recently? It's actually very, very fast.

Actually, with the display accelerator driver, LogMeIn acts much more like RDP. It only sends the changed content, highly compressed, instead of an entire screenshot.

[secure.logmein.com] (free) already does most of this by default, dynamically changing the settings based on the detected connection speed. LogMeIn also has a great and very stable built-in display accelerator driver to further minimize bandwidth consumption.

I seem to recall Adobe citing security reasons for not supporting full screen video on one monitor while working on another. Regardless, I'm happy about this update. I hated modifying NPSWF32.dll after every Flash update.

@artsemis: Yeah, but that would show an invalid certificate or similar error, the https changes to http, etc. As long as you're paying attention to your browser's indicators, that can't happen without being noticed.

@happyman: Unless you're a celebrity or the target of a large organized crime family, I wouldn't worry about it.

I'm not seeing it on my account either. I guess they're not rolling it out in order of account age; my ID is 616828, registered back in 2005 when a Facebook account was only available to people with ivy league university email addresses - like mine, upenn.edu.

@AnnS.: Could you elaborate on this? If I could remove my Better GReader addon and still see when there are new stories just by looking at the pinned favicon, that would be great.

@Mr.CardHolder and Mr.Doe: I'm considering buying a studio in Philadelphia (Rittenhouse Square area), for me to live in now, and eventually to rent out as a long-term source of income, since it's close to many universities, and there are many students in the market for studios to rent (it's rare to see many unoccupied

@Mr.CardHolder and Mr.Doe: Thanks, but I was interested more in finding the ratios to determine whether it's better to buy or rent studios. Often, the ratios will be different (i.e. maybe the rent price for studios will be only a little lower, but the list price could be much lower - like if it's an area with a high

This is for two bedroom residences. Does anyone know where I could find an equivalent chart/list for studios?