Ryan Findley

My argument is that ICE is a criminal organization literally designed to implement these kinds of policies, and that while Trump’s managed to find a new low — as is his particular talent —he’s also building on precedent. ICE must be abolished, not reformed, and part of that process is recognizing the culpability of

You don’t need to apologize. The system that has been set up has kept you where you are at. I’m not quoting Marx here, I’m just stating a plain truth: that so long as the many believe when the few tell them they will see their day... and when the few profit off the many by having that lie believed, you end up with the

We’re still entertaining this shit in 2018 because capitalism performs predictably and near-exactly as Marx theorized and imperialism performs almost exactly as Lenin theorized. We’re still entertaining this shit because for huge swathes of the world, particularly the non-Western, nonwhite world, Marxian concepts are

somehow we all become smart enough to effectively distribute goods and services without it needing to be organized or without the need for price signalling.

Marx wasn’t infallible, and he wasn’t all-knowing or perfectly predictive. “Dialectical materialism” was formulated in the Soviet Union under Stalin, and while based in Marx’s historical materialism, is not the same thing. That said, materialism is, for my money, absolutely the lens through which history and societal

It’s not exactly that mankind just “evolves” beyond their baser natures, so much as it is that the state itself is the mechanism through which irreducible class conflict is resolved — and that in the absence of that conflict, there’s no role for it to play. Engels:

In fairness, he might well be an “anarchist” precisely because the state isn’t doing something about this very pressing problem. It’s not like our there are a lot of words in our vocabulary to describe people who have decided “You know what, I don’t think civil society has held up its end of the social contract, and

Well if the state is extracting money from you, you might wanna at least push for it to be used for something useful and moral.