Ryan Dabian

May I ask if you're interested in female-to-male transmen?

Oh, man! It's been a while since I've seen that video. Electra Heart sure was a crazy period. Thank you for reminding me of this one.

Aww. I love her voice and her songwriting.
If it helps, her voiced has improved a lot from her earlier albums.

"How to be a heartbreaker". Marina's Electra Heart era. That entire album was satire on pop music based on a persona that she created. The songs from that album always had a tinge of regret and self-loathing in them. Her song, Teen Idle, showed her at her lowest.
Not that E.H. was any lighter than the melancholy feel

I thought so too. I kept hoping that there would be Lovecraftian nasties showing up at some point. A let down, but maybe they can still incorporate some otherworldly monsters later on. Right now I think they're aiming for a man-made biological weapon angle.

I always thought that Frances Conroy is the best thing on this show. This was made painfully clear throughout this episode.
Without her, I found myself tuning out most of the episode, except for the conflicting kiss between the jock and Adrian.

The only thing you show are consistent cases of projection coupled with self-centered defense of bullshit so you could stick it to those "whiny snowflakes".

You are not reading subtext, you're flat-out projecting. Plain and simple

You offer nothing.

You're so over the top that you come off as an experienced Poe.
No one shouldn't criticize anything unless they're:
a) from the country that it was made
b) be in the majority group of point a

That is one passionate list of misguided straw men.
Literally no one is saying or suggesting anything that you're harping about.

Whereas you are lying. Show one comment where someone is in favor of outright censoring Milo from expressing his horrible views.

I'm curious, but when did the "New Left" arise?
Is it the same time when neo-naz…, er I mean, the alt-right appeared?

I think it's the siccing of a horde of followers on a racist trolling crusade that has something to do with it.

It was a joke, man.
No one can be truly so humorless.

I'm sorry, but that me chuckle.
Are you poe'ing or in fact an actual contrarion?

Well, I can't comment on their design staff, but they have a new lead writer, Patrick Weekes. He wrote most of the stories around the elves and some of my favorite characters in the franchise. So I'd say it's going in a better direction

I heard that the remake is going to be released episodically. My first reaction is disappointment. Either they're going to cut out content or milking our wallets. /sigh
I hope I'm overreacting, I really want this to work out.

I love X too. In fact I'm playing the HD remaster on my PS4 right now. You're not alone. /hums the song

Maybe it plays like FFXII: where you can easily switch from one character to the next. I'm hoping that's the case. I'm also wondering how magic, items and summoning work. Only time will tell I guess.