Ryan Colson

I was kimda hoping fake God would at least expose how crazy sinful all the ',good' folk were. Seems odd that it wasn't rubbed back on em.

Otoh the stretching out the plot of issue 1 makes the show mote interesting than the comic

TWD has been on point for a handful of months now

While a mess, Watchmen is fairly coherent

Well ny has a vampire epidemic and we already know bc the show is terribad nobody is really leaving the city and they're all continuing their lives normally so it makes sense lol

They should keep him white, then kill him so Miles can debut proper

I didn't see you PC jerks crying over white Thor, Iron Man or Cap. The hell are you sad over traditional Peter for?

I think Sasha is just replacing Andrea.

Sasha comes back next weeeeek

Wrong really doesn't belong here, considering the writer doesn't realize it's raining inside, not a sprinkler system. Should be the other Tyler P film.

How could Marvel director James Gunn get nominated? His Movie 43 segment was the only great thing in it..